As for kissing on the first date, you should never date someone whom you would not wish to kiss immediately.

The problem with dating a model is they won't go out with you if your cars color doesn't match their outfit.

In its purest form, dating is auditioning for mating (and auditioning means we may or may not get the part).

Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes are uncertain. People are irrational.

I wouldn't mind telling my five good friends that I'm dating, but I don't want my loose connections to know.

Personally, I don't like a girlfriend to have a husband. If she'll fool her husband, I figure she'll fool me.

Don't kill the messenger, but I'm think you should change your dating profil to balding." -- Paris to William

I'm dating somebody. I am enjoying it very much, and having a really nice time at the moment. I'm very happy.

I can't wait for my little sisters to start dating, because it will really be fun to pick on their boyfriends.

if the right man does not come along, there are many fates far worse. One is to have the wrong man come along.

In dating, if you say no, your lover goes on to the next person. In marriage, if you say no, the person stays.

Honestly, Tarek and I met through work, so we worked together before we even started dating - it's our normal.

Not only that God does play dice, but that He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can't be seen.

I can't even find someone for a platonic relationship, much less the kind where someone wants to see me naked.

My original inspiration was my mom: a few years after the death of my dad, she started dating one my teachers!

I was bullied. I was a bit of a geek. Good-looking guys were off-limits. I didn't start dating until I was 18.

I stay away from online dating. Interacting with the person right in front of you is a much easier way to talk.

So my favorite online dating website is OkCupid, not least because it was started by a group of mathematicians.

No, really, Ronnie, it's good to share information when you know someone else is dating the lunarly challenged.

It's probably a bad indicator of your lifestyle when you miss your ex-boyfriend because he's absolutely lethal.

Since I got a divorce, I have been dating younger guys. But it's just because they're the ones that ask me out.

I always felt most at home on a basketball court, dating all the way back to when I was growing up in Brooklyn.

I just felt like women love musicians, so I thought that we should become musicians. It'll help my dating life.

Dating should be a part of your life, not your life a part of dating. There is more to life than finding a date.

Romance is diffcult for some celebrities. If the media finds out you’re dating Robert Pattinson, you’re screwed.

Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who's dating who. Scandal is 1.2 million people living in tents in Haiti.

We're not dating," Alec said again. "Oh?" Magnus said. "So you're just that friendly with everybody, is that it?

I write about what I know: teenage dating, overly charged sexuality, all the things that make you uncomfortable.

I was great mates with Muttiah Muralitharan, dating back to the days when we both played together at Lancashire.

In dating, the question is how many Tinder knockoffs are we going to have, and are any of them going to take off?

I grew up in the world of bad television, on my dad's sets and then as a young schmuck on dating shows and so on.

I think that dating other musicians can be complicated at times. Especially when they think highly of themselves.

Sometimes when people start dating a hot piece, they take on some of their boo's characteristics unintentionally.

I hate being the heartbreaker. Hate it. If I date somebody and it doesn't work out, it's another nightmare for me.

dating is like campaigning: you don't reveal who you really are or what you're really up to until you get elected.

I do bits about dating but mainly about what I did and how incompetent I am, not any genuine people writing to me.

Dating in the closet is torture. It's one of the most difficult things, especially if you are completely closeted.

They wrote that I'd gained 30 pounds over the summer and lost it in a week because I was dating three guys at once!

Dodi got a lot of criticism when he began dating Princess Diana. No one seemed to think he was good enough for her.

While I'm fine with you two dating and being happy, please try not to break his heart too much when the time comes.

Google is not my friend. I've been way too open in my career. Google has killed any shot I have on the dating apps.

I did denounce it. I de-I denounced it. I denounced interracial dating. I denounced anti-Catholic bigacy... bigotry.

Look at the Prius. It's a nerd car. Yeah, you're being environmentally friendly, but your dating life is gonna suck.

Any guy that refers to dating women as the hunt or being on the prowl should be evaluated for a number of conditions.

I am a young girl, and I am open to dating, but at the risk of sounding cliched, I really don't have the time for it.

I want my audience to know me for my work, not because of who I'm dating or what drugs I'm on or what club I went to.

Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.

I can understand companionship. I can understand bought sex in the afternoon, but I cannot understand the love affair.

I feel like my dating life has become a national pastime, and Im not comfortable providing that entertainment anymore.

Sometimes love doesn't come to us. We have to go out hunting. It's like pigs looking for truffles. It's called dating.

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