The right diet directs sexual energy into the parts that matter.

Of capital importance is to have a good diet and exercise a lot.

Push-ups, sit-ups, and a strict diet of raisins. That's my plan.

I'm on this diet where you're supposed to eat only fish and meat.

Pasta doesn't make you fat. How much pasta you eat makes you fat.

I've been on a diet for two weeks and all I've lost is two weeks.

Leave the table while you still feel you could eat a little more.

I am vegetarian so, I have a lot of pulses and salads in my diet.

I don't believe in dieting. I don't think I can ever be on a diet.

I've never been one that was on a diet, because I always ate well.

I try to cook more now so I can control my diet and what I ingest.

An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.

Nothing burns more calories than dancing in 5-inch heels... try it!

If you struggle with sleep, you'll struggle with exercise and diet.

I tried the maple syrup diet. I tried the protein-only Atkins diet.

I'm only drinking white wine because I'm on a diet and I don't eat.

The only way you get that fat off is to eat less and exercise more.

I'm not regimented. I don't diet, and I exercise the way I want to.

I try to keep a balanced diet, but I always leave room for dessert.

My diet is always terrible, unfortunately. I don't know moderation.

A plant-based diet is like a one-stop shop against chronic diseases.

I highly recommend worrying. It is much more effective than dieting.

Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.

I don't do the gym and I don't diet. I'm vegetarian but I don't diet.

A diet should be named after what you do eat, not what you don't eat.

I do not adhere to any strict diet plans as I feel they do more harm.

I'm gluten intolerant, so that automatically cuts carbs from my diet.

I drink Diet Coke from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed.

It's one thing to lose weight, but it's another thing to eat healthy.

I've done everything every fat person ever has. I've tried every diet.

These cricketers work so hard, be it training schedules or their diet.

Growing up in the north of Holland, I had a healthy and balanced diet.

If you cut the fat out of your diet you feel more energetic, for sure.

I'm an emotional eater. When I get upset, my diet goes out the window.

We pay a lot of attention to our diet, but never to our mental health.

You feel better when you're eating food that retains nutritional value.

Diet Coke is the only way I get through filming because I get so tired.

I never, ever, restrict food, and I will never go on a diet ever again.

I try to always eat a balanced diet. I never try to change it too much.

Weight Watchers is not intimidating. It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle.

Fruit is definitely on the maintenance diet. It's on the lifestyle diet.

I consider fitness, diet, and beauty to be essential to a balanced self.

I'm not strictly vegetarian, but meat doesn't play a big part in my diet.

The unforgivable political sin is vanity; the killer diet is sour grapes.

I'd much rather eat exactly what I want, and then burn it off, than diet.

Your future health can be predicted by the nutrient density of your diet.

It's easy to diet or get off a diet when you've got a juicy role to play.

I try to have a balanced diet. I try to write down everything that I eat.

I think by planning an exercise regime, your diet follows to some extent.

We are increasingly offered a diet in which sensation, not story, is king.

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