I never would wish technology failing on any sort of opponent or enemy.

Those who fail to reread are obliged to read the same story everywhere.

Only the unimaginative can fail to find a reason for drinking Champagne

I wish we could have acted quicker on Detroit or other failing schools.

If you are going to succeed, you must deal with what caused you to fail

Fail, and your friends feel superior. Succeed, and they feel resentful.

Examples draw where precept fails, and sermons are less read than tales.

If you bet on individuals, instead of the people, you are going to fail.

It is better to fail at your own life than to succeed at someone else's.

Failing to hold someone accountable is ultimately an act of selfishness.

Time never fails to bring every exalted reputation to a strict scrutiny.

A slight failing in one virtue is enough to put all the others to sleep.

For precisely when concepts fail one, Words are found at the right time.

When I met my wife, I was focused on making money but failing miserably.

Everyone wants a prodigy to fail; it makes our mediocrity more bearable.

If the second marriage really succeeds, the first one didn't really fail.

I don’t mind failing, but if I succeed it better be worth succeeding for.

Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

We're failing our children with education, we're failing our environment.

My wife is so funny and talented and never lets anybody fail next to her.

We shouldn't be afraid to fail- if we are not failing we are not pushing.

My intuition never fails me, it is I who fail when I do not listen to it.

You can sum up what has killed capitalism in four words: too big to fail.

The cost of assessing risk is now often greater than the cost of failing.

Three of the gravest failings, want of sense, of courage, or of vigilance.

...when everything else fails, we communicate in the language of the stars

I'm single and looking and failing miserably. I'm keeping my options open.

Being joyful is about staying positive when everything else seems to fail.

When new hopes fail, old hopes return in the endless cycle of desperation.

Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see.

Opera happens because a large number of things amazingly fail to go wrong.

If I'm going to fail, let me fail with something that I care deeply about.

Kill your enemies with success and bury them with a smile.... Never fails.

I did what my conscience told me to do, and you can't fail if you do that.

Why is it our failures only show us more clearly the people we are failing?

If you believe in it, and you believe in it hard, it is impossible to fail.

Five years ago we were working on a new album when my health began failing.

A nation that fails to honor its heroes, soon will have no heroes to honor.

If you're going to fail, you'd rather fail early than fail late in general.

If you don't understand the details of your business you are going to fail.

I think everything happens for a reason, so there is no such thing as fail.

Failing is not a disgrace unless you make it the last chapter of your book.

Alas, all traditions lose their primal purity and we all fail our founders.

All the good maxims which are in the world fail when applied to one's self.

You won't know the meaning of success without knowing how it feels to fail.

It is not enough that we should succeed, but our friends must fail as well.

Armchair warriors often fail - and we've been poisoned by these fairy tales

There's no learning without trying lots of ideas and failing lots of times.

There is no disgrace in honest failure; there is disgrace in fearing to fail

Don't be afraid to fail. Experience is just mistakes you don't make anymore.

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