There was something amazingly enticing about programming.

Brad Pitt is amazingly talented and equally good-looking, too.

The Cuban people have an amazingly strong and unbroken spirit.

As far as the public is concerned, India is amazingly secular.

I think that a lot of companies are still amazingly price sensitive.

Acting can be an amazingly cathartic thing - especially for young girls.

I've been very lucky to work with a lot of amazingly supportive directors.

Opera happens because a large number of things amazingly fail to go wrong.

My family is filled with amazingly talented painters, musicians, vocalists.

I've been amazingly lucky, and believe me, I don't take anything for granted.

I think 'Rather Be' is an amazingly written pop song with incredible production.

Peruvian food is so simple yet amazingly flavored with their traditional spices.

Most people spend their life trying to get away from Catholicism. Amazingly, I chose it.

New York has changed amazingly; it's gentrified everywhere, and it's a much gentler place.

In film or TV work, you can have this amazingly dramatic pause, and they'll just edit it out.

It's an amazingly daunting prospect to play any part you've seen someone else play brilliantly.

I find it amazingly easy to take something, if you really believe in it, and turn it to reality.

Amazingly, quite a few people, even some American conservatives, are taken in by Russian tactics.

What I have is a bunch of really hungry, amazingly talented guys that can kick anybody's rear end.

As can be seen even by this limited number of examples proteins carry out amazingly diverse functions.

When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.

Lady Gaga is one of the most amazingly talented musicians to bring her gifts to humanity in a long time.

The 1960s was an era of big thoughts. And yet, amazingly, each of these thoughts could fit on a T-shirt.

As a wife, I am married to maybe the greatest guy on Earth because he has just been amazingly supportive.

I'm trying to look at my blessings and how amazingly well against all odds things have turned out for me.

I'm half Italian, and on my mom's side, they've aged amazingly, and all they've put on their faces is olive oil.

I just want to share that my lip surgery has got completely amazingly done. And I love it myself so much. I'm loving it.

I have had an amazingly fortunate life. I'm a child from Yorkshire, which is sort of like Cleveland without the pretty bits.

Amazingly when you add life and consciousness to the equation you can actually explain some of the biggest puzzles of science.

Lzzy Hale could sing me the dictionary, and I would swoon. She is so amazingly talented, and her voice is absolutely delicious.

Amazingly, I've been sort of an anomaly in the music industry. I feel like I've been able to exist as kind of a throwback artist.

Jill Soloway is a friend of mine. She does 'Transparent,' and she's amazingly funny and brilliant and bright. And I love her show.

I hated 'The Lovely Bones'. I thought her vision of Heaven was amazingly uninspired and very depressing. The book was just tedious.

Daphne Guinness was amazingly comfortable in her skin, and she has an amazing collection in fashion that I wish I could just touch.

I feel that God has been amazingly kind to me. How many actors get to stay for 30 years and play the kind of roles that I have done?

As much as we joke around about 'The Bachelor' being the most dramatic show ever, Miss America really is an amazingly dramatic moment.

My grandmother is this amazingly theatrical woman. She acted like a movie star, as far as looks and attitude, kind of like Susan Hayward.

I've always said that instead of watching a guy juggle seven things amazingly I would rather see a really bad juggler who's really funny.

I'm not an amazingly trained soul singer, so with me it's about feeling and energy and spontaneity - that's a really big part of who I am.

ABC had all these schlocky, bubblegum acts, and we had to come up with suitable material for them. In which we were amazingly unsuccessful.

I'm not able to make amazingly perfect, precious pieces of content, but I get to make awesome spontaneous content that's frequently ephemeral.

I find that people in the food world are amazingly willing to talk about what they are doing, even when those things are quasi-legal or taboo.

I took up special yoga and a diet from Sreenath Vishnu. And amazingly, I lost 5.5 kgs in 20 days and my husband Mani shed six kilos in a month.

I have a gigantic ego and need to be at the top of the pile and be doing amazingly well; also, at the same time, I'm just pleased to be anywhere.

Amazingly, I think that a lot of times athletes are - are kind of in a position where other think they shouldn't weigh in on certain social topics.

Amazingly enough, athletic achievement is one of those things that seems larger than life at points. I think we all look to sport for inspirations.

My biggest superhero of writing is Jorge Luis Borges, the Argentine fabulist. He's an amazingly perceptive writer, but also willing to make a joke.

Of course. I favor passive investing for most investors, because markets are amazingly successful devices for incorporating information into stock prices.

I sleep with castor oil and clingfilm wrapped around my stomach. It's amazingly slimming because it detoxes your system. I also regularly cleanse my liver.

Casting young people is always so difficult, and they got it so right in 'Game of Thrones.' All the young actors are amazingly talented and so professional.

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