We fail our children if we say, 'Don't do as I do, but do as I say'.

If wishes would prevail with me, my purpose should not fail with me.

Our party's committed to tackling failing schools and cutting crime.

Without Divine assistance I can not succeed; with it I can not fail.

This is the big reason most humorists fail. Drunks don't read books.

I will not fail, I will not disappoint you, I will not let you down.

One's only failure is failing to live up to one's own possibilities.

If you don't fail on a regular basis, you are not trying hard enough.

The financial services industry is failing the millennial generation.

It wasn't enough for Megadeth to do well; I wanted Metallica to fail.

nothing can save you except writing. it keeps the walls from failing.

The gift is to the giver, and comes back most to him - it cannot fail

Everybody should be entitled to one lie, one failing, one infidelity.

When an instrument fails on stage it mocks you and must be destroyed!

Work for Swaraj fails to appeal to us because we have no music in us.

The innovator's motto is this: I succeed or I learn but I never fail.

I've always said if I'm winning at one thing, I'm failing at another.

We cannot help living in history. We can only fail to be aware of it.

Acting is really about having the courage to fail in front of people.

If any organism fails to fulfill its potentialities, it becomes sick.

Don't let your fear of failing triumph over the joy of participating.

Facebook does social really well, but continues to fail at community.

Science is the practice of failing repeatedly but learning as you go.

Humans often fail to see what is close to them and obvious to others.

In the end, failing to plan and planning to fail aren't so different.

90% of all those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit.

Though we live in a failing world, we have not been sent here to fail.

Passing out while you try to kill yourself is like failing at failing.

If a financial institution is too big to fail, it is too big to exist.

To improve, we must watch ourselves fail, and learn from our mistakes.

A country that fails to value its teachers, fails to value its future.

In a highly critical, scarcity-based world, everyone's afraid to fail.

When we undertake the impossible, we often fail to do anything at all.

Dream audaciously. Have the courage to fail forward. Act with urgency.

So rage, proud Power: fail again! And see my blood teach Death to die!

The GSEs are adequately capitalized. They are in no danger of failing.

Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention.

It is vain to complain of fortune while we fail in policy and conduct.

Folks, this government isn't too big to fail, it's too big to succeed.

Everyone should fail in a big way at least once before reaching forty.

It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence.

Failure is inevitable. If you aren't taking risks, then you won't fail.

Health is the fastest growing failing business in western civilization.

When their children fail to charm others, few parents can stay neutral.

There is no getting around it; Congress is failing the American people.

God’s love to us cannot fail any more than His love to Christ can fail.

If you have managers reporting to managers in a startup, you will fail.

We are not evil, inadequate or incompetent when our relationships fail.

You can't fail if you don't quit. You can't succeed if you don't start.

Either we are all free, or we fail; democracy must belong to all of us.

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