I care about what the fans feel.

I care for riches, to make gifts.

The audience, that's who I care about.

What I care about is maximum information.

The only thing I care about is my family.

I care about my quality of life and money.

I don't care about fashion, I care about women.

What do I care about my chitchat from yesterday?

To be occasionally quoted is the only fame I care for.

I care about reading, a lot. It's a big part of my life.

I care about you," Simon said. "I always cared about you.

What do I care if you are good? Be beautiful! and be sad!

I care so much about everything that I care about nothing.

I don't really care how people read. I care if people read.

When I present, I cheat. I only talk about things I care about.

I'm someone who would like to act like I don't care, but I care.

I care what is actually true, even more than what I hope is true.

As a writer I care about America, and care about its carelessness.

I really care about my readers. I care about anyone who reads my books.

As long as you care as much as I care, you can't be ashamed of anything.

If I'm going to fail, let me fail with something that I care deeply about.

I've become more confident as I have got older. I care less what others think.

I care about the work I do. But I'm not going to say that money's not an issue.

The older I get, the less I care about what’s cool. I realize I’m old and weird.

detachment, n. Even when I detach, I care. You can be separate from a thing and still care about it.

The further I get from the things that I care about, the less I care about how much further away I get.

You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up up them.

And so as much as I can, I care about her, dear Deborah. It's probably not love, but I would rather she were happy.

I care. They bother me. And that's why I'm stupid. That makes me exponentially more stupid than stupid. I'm stupid to the power of stupid.

I feel like personally I have more drive now than I did then probably because I care more and also because I've reached the mid-life point.

The only freedom I care about is the freedom to do right; the freedom to do wrong I am ready to part with on the cheapest terms to anyone who will take it of me

I would much prefer to be overseas in a covert capacity working on issues, but that is hypothetical. That is no longer open to me. So if I can use my voice in this manner, and talk about something that I care about, then I feel fortunate.

I just don't care that much about how famous I am. I care a lot about our world, and whether our planet will survive. It seems really low-stakes how many Twitter followers I have, in the grand scheme of things. In 80 years, who will care?

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