I don't believe in awards, and I think only film fare awards are faring.

Every movie I do, regardless of how they fare at the box office, excites me.

I'm not sure Lincoln would fare well if he were a presidential candidate today.

People want to see big, escapist fare. They don't want to be challenged to think.

Every holiday has unique fare and symbolic foods, but none as much as Rosh Hashana.

I do think it's unfair for women who get pegged with creating fare for other women.

Youth fare aside, I have generally always been interested in what's going on culturally.

In my head, I think I'd make a perfect spy, but in reality, I don't think I'd fare very well.

Most Americans live on a diet that includes processed fare that is neither fresh nor natural.

Death is easier than a wretched life; and better never to have born than to live and fare badly.

The knish is a classic example of peasant food evolving into comfort food and even sophisticated fare.

Put variety into your mental bill of fare as well as into your physical. It will pay you rich returns.

It's not what color you are or how you fare with fans, it's who you are and what personality you have.

If you've got a huge Hollywood star in your film, they're getting $32 million, and everyone else gets their bus fare.

I understand that some people are angry about taxi services. A taxi fare hike should be accompanied by better customer service.

As far as the type of movies I am offered is concerned, it's a mix. I have been offered both period films and the regular fare.

A lot of things and a lot of money is involved in a movie. It is very upsetting when a movie doesn't fare well at the box-office.

I see something that seems like standard fare, that I can imagine any number of actors playing, and I'm generally not interested.

In terms of Rogers, I can't comment on how other fighters in the UFC would fare with Brett Rogers because that's just speculation.

So somehow we've got to get back to making stuff for people that are not necessarily interested in seeing the common Broadway fare.

I love a good meal on a train, and if I'm travelling on a discount ticket, the challenge is to eat more than the price of the fare.

Each Passover, I prepare all sorts of fancy desserts for my family and friends, often experimenting with adaptations of sophisticated modern fare.

Consumers fare best when the barriers to business entry are low, which helps ensure that the market - any market - becomes competitive and stays that way.

At a time when you do not know what chemicals are being fed into plants, there's no way you would know how toxic animals are. So, I'd stick to vegetarian fare.

I wanted the young African-American girls also on the bus to know that they had a right to be there, because they had paid their fare just like the white passengers.

I've listened to Eminem rap. That's not daily fare for me, but I can't help but admire how vivid what he does is. My own taste goes a little more toward Norah Jones.

For me, work is worship, and it is not just the number of movies I make but the quality which matters most, irrespective of how they eventually fare at the box office.

There's a lot to be learned by watching. I think the younger generation could fare a lot better in their game if they could sit down and watch some of the games of the past.

I tend toward more adult fare, and I would love to do a voice in an animated film or something the boys could go see, but at a certain point, I made peace with myself about it.

I wanted to escape the drudgery of a small town existence. Any place bigger than Gwalior was fine. I took the first train to Delhi because that was the only fare I could afford.

I am particularly surprised that certain outlets look at pass rates irrespective of student population. As if inner city high school kids are to fare as well as college students.

I honestly didn't know how well Bin Roye would fare with audiences. I couldn't be indifferent while watching it. I kept seeing tiny nuances that I could have changed with my role.

I think - everything just in the political realm - women are usually perceived to be more trustworthy and compassionate. And they usually fare well against their male counterpart.

Apparently, everyone is most scared of the psychological tests. I didn't know how I'd fare. What I've found out is I may be creative and imaginative, but I'm also extremely together.

Normally, I try to stay away from playing security guard-type characters, the stereotypical, big man fare. And I've been pretty blessed, man, and successful at getting out of the box.

I came to theatre as a teenager by going to the National Theatre when it was at the Old Vic and sitting on padded seats in the gallery for 15 pence, which was the price of a bus fare.

Of course, I grew up hearing Latin music but, to be honest, aside from my personal circumstances, like most kids I wanted to rebel against what I considered to be such old fashioned fare.

How large and varied is the educational bill of fare set before every young gentleman in Great Britain; and to judge by the mental stamina it affords him in most cases, what a waste of good food it is!

Just to cover the increase in fuel costs over the past two years, American would have had to raise fares nearly $75 per round-trip ticket. During this time period, our average fare increased by only $15.

I think it's good that we're not embarrassed that we're comic book creators anymore. It's good that people are able to make a good living at doing it, and not doing the traditional sort of mainstream fare.

I detest politics, to be honest with you. It's a cesspool. And I don't think I would fare well in that cesspool because I don't believe in political correctness and I certainly don't believe in dishonesty.

Films don't always tell a story; some films can achieve effect just by being razzle-dazzle or rock n' roll. That's part of the fare that's out there. And that's okay. For me, I place more value on a story.

When I was 15 years old, my sister and I went on a trip to Europe. We went on scholarship because my mother didn't have the money to pay the full fare for the two of us, which ran into the thousands of dollars.

Beta males and females historically fare poorly in anchor positions, and whoever has the dominate, or more alpha, personality will always win out in spoken word count simply because they don't wait for an opening.

I started out as a duo with Mis-Teeq's Sabrina Washington, and we worked for four or five years before signing a record deal. I had no money, and I was taking part-time jobs just to earn the train fare to get to rehearsals.

Individually the poor are not too tempting to thieves, for obvious reasons. Mug a banker and you might score a wallet containing a month's rent. Mug a janitor and you will be lucky to get away with bus fare to flee the crime scene.

I have been refused entrance on the buses because I would not pay my fare at the front and go around to the rear door to enter. That was the custom if the bus was crowded up to the point where the white passengers would start occupying.

If you turn a blind eye to fare evasion, if you accustom people to getting away with minor crime, you are making it more likely that they will go on to commit more serious crimes. That is why we have so much disorder in London. It is a disgrace.

As women, we are constantly criticising and judging ourselves in terms of our body, how we dress, what profession we take up, how we fare in that. Indian women are gifted with certain body types and features, which is healthy, and we should accept that.

I have been known to, on more than one occasion, look down my nose at items I deem to be tacky wedding fare... carnations, tulle, DIY invitations. And yet, the wedding I'm most embarrassed of having planned, the one I'd never put into my portfolio, is my own.

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