A great step toward independence is a good-humoured stomach.

In the last analysis, a pickle is a cucumber with experience.

Abstinence is as easy to me as temperance would be difficult.

There cannot be good living where there is not good drinking.

A genial hearth, a hospitable board, and a refined rusticity.

As you get older, you shouldn't waste time drinking bad wine.

I do not want to make my stomach a graveyard of dead animals.

Food doesn't exist, but can only be invented. And reinvented.

The tomato hides its griefs. Internal damage is hard to spot.

I want every peasant to have a chicken in his pot on Sundays.

An egg is always an adventure; the next one may be different.

We don't care to eat toadstools that think they are truffles.

I love to take something ordinary and make it really special.

...cassoulet, like life itself, is not so simple as it seems.

Women never dine alone. When they dine alone they don't dine.

Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

Champagne had the taste of an apple peeled with a steel knife.

Before dinner men meet with great inequality of understanding.

...a mind, if given only the best food never craves any other.

And every day when I've been good, I get an orange after food.

I am the emperor of Germany, but you are the emperor of chefs.

I'm allergic to chemicals in food so I eat only organic foods.

In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.

If you're given champagne at lunch, there's a catch somewhere.

A tiny radish of passionate scarlet, tipped modestly in white.

No man under forty can be dignified with the title of gourmet.

Chameleons feed on light and air: Poets food is love and fame.

When I ponder my mind I consistently find It is glued On food.

Wine from long habit has become an indispensable for my health

Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you what you are.

Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch.

It's food too fine for angels, yet come, take and eat thy fill!

Good manners: The noise you don't make when you're eating soup.

He who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else.

An apple is an excellent thing -- until you have tried a peach.

The only think I like better than talking about Food is eating.

Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign something is eating us.

A first-rate soup is more creative than a second-rate painting.

I like a Blackpool breakfast, me - 20 ciggies and a pot of tea.

As far as possible, everyone in the family should eat together.

Cookery is become an art, a noble science; cooks are gentlemen.

Tis not the meat, but 'tis the appetite makes eating a delight.

Lentils are friendly - the Miss Congeniality of the bean world.

I can't believe it! A real gourmet kitchen, and I get to watch!

Two things only the people actually desire: bread and circuses.

It is contrary to the will of God to eat delicate food hastily.

My soul is dark with stormy riot: directly traced over to diet.

Sometimes the way to a man's heart is through his talleywacker.

Everyone must believe in something. I believe I'll go canoeing.

And malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man.

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