I think it's important to build people up and to make people feel good.

I think that it's important to have good people around you, like my friends.

The important thing is to be part of a good project with good, talented people.

It's very easy for people to overlook how important a good goalkeeper is in a team.

I felt very honored, and I knew that people would be watching very closely, and I felt it was very, very important that I do a good job.

Show interest in all people, not just those from whom you want something. Making people feel important and good about themselves is just the right thing to do.

The ballooning budgets of Bollywood are getting out of hand, and it's important for people to realise that you don't need Rs 20 crore to make a good, commercially viable film.

The important thing about any book is that you have to have a good story and that it has to be exciting. Then it's nice to add other levels underneath that people can pick up on.

It is vitally important that we implement immigration reform. We need a bill that strengthens our borders and protects this nation, but that also makes it simpler for good people to become Americans.

It's important to have people who are absolutely willing to say you're wrong or who have a totally different perspective than you do on everything. Fresh ideas are hard to come by, and good ones are even harder.

People who put themselves on the line and sacrifice their own safety for the greater good and for others, and anyone in any profession whose concern is the welfare for other people instead of the individual, are inspiring and important.

It just seems to be a human trait to want to protect the speech of people with whom we agree. For the First Amendment, that is not good enough. So it is really important that we protect First Amendment rights of people no matter what side of the line they are on.

You have to realise that everyone that you are working with is important. It doesn't matter where you are starting from; you are always going to run back into those people, and they are going to talk, and that's going to be the base of whether you get good opportunities or not.

One of the most important misunderstandings for white people to get over to move forward is this idea that racism is a good-bad proposition - that if we're good we can't be part of it, that being uncomfortable means you're a terrible person. We have to let go of that and understand it as a system we all live in.

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