I'm a creative guy, artistically with graphics.

Loads of computer graphics equals a terrible video in my book.

I think miniatures are still superior to a lot of computer graphics.

I got my diploma from Ealing College of Art, in graphics and illustration.

Currently computer graphics are used a great deal, but it can be excessive.

I would love to take 'Ultimata Underworld' and literally update the graphics.

From tours to mixing, mastering, graphics, artwork - I've done out of pocket.

You can't go wrong mixing classic graphics in black and white. It's very Parisienne.

I'm not a craftsman of graphics or art or film. I'm more of an idea generator and manufacturer.

The days when you needed amazing Silicon Graphics machines to run animation software are gone now.

'Infinity Blade' has proven that iPhone owners are hungry for high-end games with cutting-edge graphics.

Graphics has lately made a great shift towards machine learning, which itself is about understanding data.

I saw podcast sites with all these fancy graphics. People don't care about that. They sign up for what I do.

Great graphics requires more than just high-performance hardware. Gamers know software is just as important.

Public discussions are part of what it takes to make changes in the trillions of graphics published each year.

In professional work - certainly in the arts and graphics - 99% of people have zero courage. They blow with the wind.

I think the more realistic you try to make the graphics and the experience, the more you limit yourself to a single vision.

TV news dominates politics and is extremely low-bandwidth: it contains a few hundred words and rarely uses graphics properly.

What I've found is that a lot of people in the media industry tend to use Macs because they're so good for graphics and music.

'Grease' is an awesome movie. I wish they'd make a new one, more for our time. The graphics are terrible when you look back on it.

I'd always loved what went on in skateboarding. I'd never skated myself, but I loved the graphics - I really liked the rebelliousness of it.

I think 'The Lost World' could've been a successful movie except for the fact that it pre-dated the good special effects and computer graphics.

It can't be stressed enough that in order to produce great graphics, you have to have a good product and a good client capable of making decisions.

At Harvard, I worked for some time as a researcher in a lab for computer graphics and spatial analysis, which is one of the birthplaces for what we do.

My reading is extremely eclectic. Lately I've been teaching myself computer graphics, so I'm reading a lot about that. I read books of trivia, of facts.

I actually got into music because of art and because of skateboarding: All those graphics and punk bands and fanzines - they were glued together in my brain.

My particular aesthetic of light and color and design wouldn't change as a result of working with computer graphics rather than with slit scan or miniatures.

I think by drawing, so I'll draw or diagram everything from a piece of furniture to a stage gesture. I understand things best when they're in graphics, not words.

People have always wondered if I'm trying to push the envelope when it comes to my cinema - they keep questioning the visual graphics and the controversial content.

There are so many games where you fight aliens or zombies, and they have very high-fidelity graphics, but they don't ask the question of why the events are happening.

Clearly, if we'd had the kind of computer graphics capability then that we have now, the Star Gate sequence would be much more complex than flat planes of light and color.

You can always think of something like the Xbox 360 as a super set-top box that can do everything the set-top box does, but then have the graphics to do the games as well.

As soon as a critical mass of people in the world gained access to devices with high-end graphics and Internet connectivity, the rise of games like 'Fortnite' became inevitable.

The approach to make more gorgeous-looking graphics... to have the horsepower, to have much faster processing - they don't do anything to ask nongamers to play with a video game.

We're quite into graphics that are simultaneously two- and three-dimensional. But I can't really elaborate any further because it's not something - we haven't really perfected it.

There are already a lot of devices in our lives that have rich text or the ability to handle graphics. Our devices are designed to be understood in less than a quarter of a second.

A spacecraft cockpit interior is a set where there are a lot of little techy bits, control panels and graphics displays, and other things that are kind of a job to manufacture well.

When we considered what to do with the graphics capability of the Wii, we put more attention and focus on the ability to create new experiences rather than the quality of the graphics.

The Apple has the fewest bells and whistles. It has simple sound and few graphics special effects. In a way, that is a weakness because markets for the other machines are getting bigger.

Great journalism will always attract readers. The words, pictures and graphics that are the stuff of journalism have to be brilliantly packaged; they must feed the mind and move the heart.

Because of the nature of Moore's law, anything that an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later.

My philosophy is, I can't make every product that can possibly use a high-performance CPU and graphics. Why shouldn't I enable others, in a positive fashion, to leverage AMD IP in more places?

That's why I ended up going to Lancaster University, because they had a visual arts course, and in the first year it was like a broad visual arts course in sculpture, painting, graphics - all of that.

I came in during the era of models, motion control, and optical printers. ILM had just started its own computer graphics division, after the Lucasfilm computer division had been sold off and became Pixar.

When I step back and look at what's important to AMD, it's about graphics leadership - visual computing leadership - as well as a strong computing experience. We have the capability to integrate those two together.

That's one thing I love about my son - he's just a gamer at heart, he loves everything. He'll still play 'Pole Position,' or just old things at an arcade. He just loves games. He's not a graphics snob at all. I love him.

I think the work that they do and the style of 3D graphics is absolutely fabulous and I think it's a great brush to use for some stories. And there are other brushes that I think are exclusive to a different kind of story.

I have never seen a game's graphics look so sharp and clean. The sound design for the game is also unique on the Xbox. The memory on this system allowed us to provide the user with 5.1 Dolby surround sound for home theatre owners.

You have to have pace, you have to have high production values, you have to have interesting graphics, and you have to have attractive people. CNN could afford not to be so obedient to those commands, and for a long time, it wasn't.

The visual team of 'Blade Runner' - one of the last big fantasy movies to be made without much computer graphics finery - worked directly for Scott, who sketched each of his prolific ideas on paper (they were called 'Ridley-grams').

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