Human behavior is timeless.

Strange are the ways of human behavior.

Human behavior is incredibly pliable, plastic.

I love looking at machines that mimic human behavior.

Actors are observers of human life, of human behavior.

A person's self-concept is the core of his personality.

Entitlement is just the grossest kind of human behavior.

Perhaps because I'll never be one, humans are interesting to me.

I'm definitely an observer of human behavior. I always have been.

The most perfect expression of human behavior is a string quartet.

I think we've told a lot of lies about human behavior through film.

I try as best I can to enter the realm of nuances of human behavior.

What we believe is heavily influenced by what we think others believe

I like reading novels because it provides insight into human behavior.

My theory was that what I had to do was make a study of human behavior.

Generally, I tend to despise human behavior rather than human creatures.

I like analyzing human behavior. It's complex. That's what keeps me going.

As a novelist, I'm endlessly fascinated by human behavior and interactions.

Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.

I like ideas. I find them more exciting than human behavior for the most part.

I think chalking up human behavior to evil lets us all off the hook too easily.

I'm obsessed with people, I'm obsessed with human behavior. I just watch people.

I love life. I'm fascinated by human behavior because that feeds back into my work.

The Left has always sought single, non-values-based explanations for human behavior.

Well, what is acting but the study of human behavior? And that's so fascinating to me.

I think puns are not just the lowest form of wit, but the lowest form of human behavior.

As many an architect will tell you, human behavior changes according to the environment.

Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from others.

Most efforts to approximate normal human behavior in software tend to be creepy or annoying.

Being abroad makes you conscious of the whole imitative side of human behavior. The ape in man.

The contradictions are what make human behavior so maddening and yet so fascinating, all at the same time.

All the great legends are Templates for human behavior. I would define a myth as a story that has survived.

Everyone takes surveys. Whoever makes a statement about human behavior has engaged in a survey of some sort.

Certainly, if you look at human behavior around the world, you have to admit that we can be very aggressive.

I guess I'm just quite observant and I pay attention to a lot of things. Human behavior really fascinates me.

Telling a story is the way of exploring so many different things - human behavior, society, whatever existence.

In acting, I always try to go back to what would actually be the real situation, the real human behavior in life.

Situational variables can exert powerful influences over human behavior, more so that we recognize or acknowledge.

In many ways, acting is really like a science to me to figure out the human behavior of any character that I'm playing.

Human behavior in the midst of hardship caught my attention very early on, and my first stories were all pictures, no words.

Robotics are beginning to cross that line from absolutely primitive motion to motion that resembles animal or human behavior.

Christ changes men, who then change their environment. The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature.

I've always read books and loved human behavior since I was ten or twelve years old. Maybe even that's why I wanted to do comedy.

We can't just have mainstream behavior on television in a free society, we have to make sure we see the whole panorama of human behavior.

The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. Change the self image and you change the personality and the behavior.

Poker is about understanding human behavior and managing emotions - yours and the other guy's. That's huge in poker, and it's huge in business.

Very often in Chekhov, where he exhibits a little bit of human behavior that you recognize as true, you give a little laugh. It's like a reflex.

I've always been drawn to the extremes of human behavior, and crime fiction is a great way to explore the lives and stories of fascinating people.

My target audience is anyone who finds the world interesting and human behavior fascinating, terrible, inspiring, funny, and occasionally, mysterious.

It's a required part of your film history to know who Woody is. His movies are so wonderful, and not just funny but so insightful about human behavior.

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