I love Johnny Depp.

Johnny Unitas was my hero.

Meeting Johnny Depp was crazy.

I'm a big-time Johnny Cash fan.

It was hard to say no to Johnny Cash.

I don't see myself as Johnny Football.

I've known Johnny Depp since I was 19.

Johnny Depp is probably the best actor.

I cried when I heard Johnny Carson died.

I'm like Johnny Cash. I only wear black.

In college, I had an alias: I was Johnny.

I'm not slim and trim like Johnny Carson.

Johnny Cash was like Abraham Lincoln to me.

I am never going to sound like Johnny Mathis.

Johnny Cash has always been larger than life.

I would like to see another Johnny Valentine.

At the end of the day, Johnny Cash was a poet.

Johnny Saint is someone who I studied as a kid.

Through the '80s, nobody cared about Johnny Cash.

After The Ventures I dug Johnny Smith quite a bit.

Johnny Carson was king of the kings, in my opinion.

Man, I love Limp Bizkit, Johnny Lange, many people.

I want to be like Johnny Bach or Pete Carril or Tex.

I know every Skynyrd and about all Johnny Cash songs.

I really want to work with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.

The character of Johnny Drama was a lot of fun to play.

Unfortunately, I've never been mistaken as Johnny Depp.

I used to listen to Keith Urban and Johnny Cash and stuff.

I love pirates, and I'm a big fan of the Johnny Depp films.

The man I adored, and miss him terribly, was Johnny Carson.

I love Johnny Cash but I don't love country music that much.

I was lucky to be with Johnny... he taught me a lot about fame.

My No. 1 is Johnny Depp, ever since 'Cry Baby.' He had my heart.

I wrote on a show called Johnny Bravo when I was at Hanna-Barbera.

Johnny Depp was the most polite young actor I've ever worked with.

Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors because he takes chances.

I never met Johnny Rotten, and I didn't want to meet Johnny Rotten.

The only two jobs I ever had were with Lester Flatt and Johnny Cash.

Apparently I had lunch with Johnny Depp when I was three months old.

But, I'm a big Johnny Cash and a big Lou Reed fan and a Fellini fan.

Actually, the first songs I learned were imitations of Johnny Mathis.

There's no reason we shouldn't have 15 or 20 Johnny Rockets in Dubai.

It's miserable wearing black all the time, unless you're Johnny Cash.

I love Loretta Lynn, and I love Roy Clark and Johnny Cash, everybody.

Johnny Carson started the jokes about me and Marlin in his monologues.

Johnny Winter doesn't know the word 'subtlety.' But it works, it works.

Johnny Rivers is underestimated as an artist. We had four top 10 singles.

I was expecting someone dark to play 'Dexter' - someone like Johnny Depp.

Millions of wrestling fans know me as Johnny Mundo, the mayor of Slamtown.

If I could work with any actor it would have to be Johnny Depp. He is cool.

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