I have always been discreet in my life.

I always teach celebrities, all my life.

I have always listened to elders in my life.

Blues has always been a huge part of my life.

The beach has always been a constant in my life.

The arts have always been in and around my life.

Ray Charles has always been a big part of my life.

I've always been able to enjoy aspects of my life.

Nutrition is a big part of my life and it always has been.

All my life I've always been so ashamed of being feminine.

All my life there's always been an ex-wife or a girlfriend.

I had always been involved in athletics throughout my life.

I always try to avoid anything that has to do with my life.

All my life, I was always in a hurry! I was always hustling!

In my life I have always found ways of dealing with a situation.

I've always been a very open person, all my life, even at school.

Basketball is always a piece of my life, but never the centerpiece.

I grew up in Chicago, so hip-hop has always been a part of my life.

I'll always wear NAPA blue. I'm thankful they were a part of my life.

Whenever I'm writing a book, small details from my life always creep in.

Throughout my life, my mom has been the person that I've always looked up to.

I've always respected the authority figures in my life, including my coaches.

Anything traumatic in my life I've always dealt with through jokes and comedy.

I have always wanted a bunny and I'll always have a rabbit the rest of my life.

Whatever happens, I'm going to adapt to it. I always been like that all my life.

I've always had very high aims for my life and for my career, for anything that I do.

I always assumed I'd spend my life happily performing in artsy-fartsy little theaters.

Games have always a big part of my life. I was that kid freaking out over his new Nintendo.

All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.

I always wanted to devote a certain part of my life to dance - my true being is to be a dancer.

I've spent my life pursing excellence as an artist, which is what I always wanted to do anyhow.

Well, I always had a chauffer, because I have never driven a car in my life. I still can't drive.

My life has never been easy. It's like all the major events of my life have always been difficult.

My life hasn't always been a disaster, it's just that when it has, it's been a spectacular disaster.

My life has always been about making certain I accrue the skills necessary to make my ambitions real.

We've always been involved with America - I have a son who lives there and it's a big part of my life.

I was always interested in doing it, but I was so content with my life that I didn't really go after it.

I have the ability, no matter what's going on in my life, to find something - my cup is always half full.

I always say that the times in my life when I've been happiest are the times when I've seen, like, a sunset.

Superman's always chasing after someone who just mugged somebody, and I've never seen that happen in my life.

One should always be happy, irrespective of what you achieve in a match or in life. That's how I live my life.

The University of South Carolina has always played a role in my life and the intellectual life of South Carolina.

I always have been an activist for things that were just authentically a part of my life, that I felt connected to.

I ended up doing a lot of prank shows in my life or prank theater, but I always got fairly nervous about doing 'em.

I've been dealing with politicians all my life. All my life. And I've always gotten them to do what I need them to do.

I went to high school in Los Angeles, and I grew up riding horses, so that was kind of my life. I always wanted to act.

I'm a compulsive storyteller, an avid reader, and have always nurtured the secret goal of spending my life as a writer.

Mickey Mouse... is always there-he's part of my life. That really is something not everyone can call their claim to fame.

Human rights, no matter whom they affect, are something that should matter to all of us. It's always been a part of my life.

I've always been sort of confused by the trajectory my life has taken. I was supposed to be on an assembly line building Buicks.

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