To be called one thing, is oftentimes to be another.

Oftentimes we love the thing we hate and vice versa.

Oftentimes the shows that don't work help you get it right.

Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar.

We are all one. We're not as separate as we oftentimes think.

Second thoughts oftentimes are the very worst of all thoughts.

Oftentimes, you have to be able to throw it in order to run it.

Oftentimes, reality is much worse than what you can put in a movie.

More oftentimes than not, you're automatically guilty before innocent.

Oftentimes, I need to write about something in order to understand it.

Oftentimes, discussion of war gets flattened to a discussion of trauma.

When you're not successful as a musician, you are oftentimes unemployed.

Oftentimes, rumors burn white hot only to fizzle as fast as they ignited.

Oftentimes it feels like Fox stands alone in the media on certain stories.

Oftentimes the easy decision and comfortable decision is not the right one.

And oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the excuse.

Oftentimes you're breaking out because your face is lacking moisture or hydration.

When God speaks, oftentimes His voice will call for an act of courage on our part.

In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld.

Oftentimes, the funniest comedians are people who've gone through personal torment.

Poisons and medicine are oftentimes the same substance given with different intents.

Oftentimes, the post safety will eye me up pre-snap a lot of times and know where I am.

Oftentimes, experiencing tragedy very young can strangely give you a kind of equilibrium.

I think Donald Trump's language and the way that he presents things oftentimes is not good.

Oftentimes, the most important decisions I make are the ones I don't put much thought into.

Oftentimes, the only evidence left behind at the scene of a shooting are bullet shell casings.

I do find that the mainstream media oftentimes is what I would consider off base or has a bias.

My dad was a big believer in treating people well, oftentimes even when he himself wasn't well.

I have very mixed feelings about big corporations. Oftentimes, they're more troublesome than not.

Oftentimes reoccurring dreams are ways a loved one is trying to come through and deliver a message.

Whatever the case, oftentimes, for a story to feel complete to me, I need more than one point of view.

I don't think through anything I do. I just do it, and it's oftentimes landed me in huge amounts of trouble.

I'm oftentimes called away from my family... it's rather hard for me to be away from them. We're very close.

People oftentimes refer to me as 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.' So, I'm Mr. Johnson. I'm a complete outsider.

Oftentimes, especially in the context of an acoustic song, I'm motivated to write by some amount of melancholy.

With public figures involved in a relationship it seems that there is a machine behind their love so oftentimes.

It's their belief, their own will, that holds people in Scientology, even oftentimes when they have been abused.

Oftentimes in a marriage, you really don't have to say anything. You can sort of have a conversation without words.

It's no new narrative to say that when people get out of child stardom, they oftentimes rebel in very serious ways.

Oftentimes, when you have a huge studio film and you have big names attached, they like to keep attaching big names.

Negotiating deals among members of Congress is an exercise in wearing masks, scaring up votes, and, oftentimes, bluffing.

Oftentimes, I feel like, because of my cisnormative look or my aesthetics, that sometimes my talent might get overlooked.

Even if it happened in real life - and oftentimes, especially if it happened in real life - it might not work in fiction.

People can oftentimes mock me because of my belief in God and many times they insult me when I kneel to pray in many stadiums.

What works in Washington, D.C. or New York City oftentimes doesn't work out in Billings, Montana, or elsewhere in the country.

Anyone who doesn't agree with the Left's approach to immigration oftentimes gets stigmatized as anti-immigrant or anti-Hispanic.

Oftentimes I feel like I can, through the music, paint a picture of something that I can't look anywhere and see in my real life.

Oftentimes, when I'm trying to get inspired, I'll find myself just staring at the wall and let the fans inspire me to get creative.

It is a fine line between making fun of the right thing and making fun of the wrong thing. And the language oftentimes is the same.

The movies that are really big, at least in my experience, oftentimes don't have characters that I feel as personally connected to.

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