To live is to choose.

Live today, for tomorrow we die.

Live today like there's no tomorrow!

Tomorrow's life is too late. Live today.

Today is the only time we can possibly live.

Too late is tomorrow's life; live for today.

As a child lives today, he will live tomorrow.

I love those who do not know how to live for today.

If Jesus were alive today, He would be a guerrillero.

I have to stay positive and live for today and tomorrow.

How you live today has the potential to impact all eternity.

Those who do not know how to live must make a merit of dying.

Yesterday's History. Tomorrow's a Mystery. So live for today.

If Jesus were alive today, he'd probably be at the Super Bowl.

We live in a time today where we face fierce global competition.

If Shakespeare was alive today, he'd be writing wrestling shows.

If Shakespeare were alive today, he might be writing on Twitter.

You have to prove yourself every day. You have to live for today.

Tomorrow is nothing, today is too late; the good lived yesterday.

We shouldn't just live for today; we should prepare for tomorrow.

Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

Forget yesterday, live for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

Live now, live today - don't be bound by rules, live your own dream.

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today.

If Elvis Presley had been a bowhunter, he'd probably be alive today.

If my father was alive today, he would have fought for Kurdish rights

Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.

Today is our most precious possession. It is our only sure possession.

Live today as if you were going to live forever, for you surely shall.

If Franz Kafka were alive today he'd be writing about customer service.

Whatever men live for, today most live only because of the market order.

I really think that if you live for today, tomorrow takes care of itself.

If our founding fathers were alive today, they'd roll over in their graves.

Go to the people and live among them in order to know them and learn from them.

If OJ Simpson did not have a handgun, Nicole and Ron would still be alive today.

I did a lot of great things in the past, but I live for today and for the future.

Since you are the one who has to live with your choices, be sure they are your own.

Somehow I suspect that if Shakespeare were alive today, he might be a jazz fan himself.

I'm sure if Shakespeare were alive today, he'd be doing classic guitar solos on YouTube.

I'm alive today, I'm well, I'm working, I'm still creative. What more can I say, really?

If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.

I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day.

You suffer as an actor. It's difficult to be an actor and live a good life, especially today.

My image of Jesus is someone who is exciting...Were he alive today, he would be causing havoc!

But, on the other hand, if Schubert were alive today, he would find even richer fields to plow.

Leuconoe, close the book of fate, For troubles are in store, . . . . Live today, tomorrow is not.

I still live today with my mom sending me, you know, Hebrew Scriptures or phrases or celebrating.

Our mothers and fathers want change. They worked all of their lives, but today live in destitution.

I don't know what I'm going to be doing in two years or even in two weeks. I have to live for today.

Your life is meant to be an epic story. How you think, perform and live today is part of that script.

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