I hope to work in Indian films again. I would love to.

I love Jeff Bridges. You can never go wrong with that guy. I hope to work with him one day.

I'm just so happy, and I'm grateful for my fans. I just hope I keep doing work that they love.

When you want to fall in love, you ignore red flags in the optimistic hope that it does work out.

I love making fiction films as well as nonfiction ones, and hope to keep challenging myself to make better and better work.

There's a set of rules out there somewhere that says it all ends by 40. I hope to be able to defy that because I truly love my work.

For now, I'm just going to keep doing the work and hope I don't get fired. If people want to put me up on their walls, I'll love it.

I hope I get to work with Ms. Meryl Streep. She's so brilliant, great, and gracious an actress and person. I would love to work with her.

My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.

I wanna work; I love so much making films; I hope I can do one after the other. Being on set is what makes me happy, so... The more I can, the better.

I really, really love new work, and that's why, you know, I produced a concert series supporting new musicals and stuff like that. I hope to do more things like that.

There's a lot of people that I would love to work with. There's a lot of different kinds of parts I wanna play. As your career progresses, you hope that you get some more opportunity or some more choice.

I love comedy with a passion, and I hope that shows in my work. I would never want to move an inch away from comedy. What I want to do is continue to grow and extend myself, so if anything, I'm adding things on.

More and more, people probably associate me in this world of comedy and these confident, brassy, big ladies, which I love, but my insides and who I feel like internally and the kind of work that I hope to continue doing feels very different from that.

Part of the reason why I love acting is that you do hope that somehow your work will connect to people and somehow expand their consciousness somewhat, and being able to challenge notions of prejudice through work - through my work - is really thrilling.

But doing 'Parenthood,' I've never ever been happier in 35 years. I drive to work and I drive home. I'm like a factory worker and that is in my DNA. I love having a steady job with the same people. It's made me so much calmer and more content. Now I just hope the series goes on for 15 years.

I love comics work, and I hope I never stop doing it. But at the same time, I have my own law practice that I've built up over quite a while - it's been more than a decade that I've spent building that business - so it seems a little premature to just shut it down after nine months of working at a high level in comics. We'll see.

As an actor, you just want to work, and then you just want to be on a show or have a job that you love, and you hope that job will last - those things have happened. To have that platform to then talk about something that is very personal to me like marriage equality, it feels like a gift. I try and really respect that voice and not abuse it.

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