I feel beautiful without makeup on, but when I do put makeup on, it just gives me this extra pop.

I have really big features, so a little makeup goes a long way. I would hate to look like a clown.

I very rarely watch my own fashion shows, but the makeup for my Fall 2011 show was just brilliant.

Don't overdo it. Don't over-diet, over-exercise, overeat, overdo the makeup, and don't stress out.

I hate being an actor, they dress you and put on your makeup and you just feel like a little baby.

I get a bit insecure if I feel like there's too much makeup on my face or if I feel like I'm cakey.

A clown's makeup and character, that's all he has to sell. He loves and believes in that character.

We define content very broadly. Representing chefs, designers, makeup artists - it's all important.

I always do makeup touch-ups myself, especially for blood, wounds, and dirt. It saves so much time.

Look at me - a big old black man under all of this makeup, and if I can look beautiful, so can you.

I think a natural look is prettier. I rarely wear makeup, but we always wear sunscreen on our faces.

All my makeup tricks are from modeling jobs! It's my favorite part of the job - learning new tricks!

Whether you are sixteen or over sixty, remember, understatement is the rule of a fine makeup artist.

When I dress in a certain way and do my hair and makeup in a certain way, it's not to get attention.

You better wake up before it's too late, or they'll be doing your makeup down at the coroner's place.

There's not a hair extension or a makeup artist that can make me feel the way I feel when i give back

You mean the fact that Tom Arnold would spend more time with the hair and makeup people than I would?

I don't wear makeup. I don't wash my hair every day. It's not something that I associate with myself.

Doing makeup, especially for drag, is all about being aware of the geography and angles of your face.

I dont ever wear makeup. I steam my face. I put hot water to open pores and cold water to close them.

There's a lot of us idiot actors that get tattoos and they cover them with makeup when you do a film.

I don't believe in dressing up reality. I don't believe in using makeup to make things look smoother.

When I'm doing my own makeup, I just stick to a bit of black liner, some blush and a nude glossy lip.

There's a lot of us idiot actors that get tattoos and they cover them with makeup when you do a film.

Makeup artists are always giving me their stuff. My favorite thing is free stuff. I'll take anything.

I didn't figure out the makeup or cute hair or clothes until oh, maybe my junior year of high school.

I strangely feel better before I go through hair and makeup. Maybe that's just because I feel like me.

Some people think because I wear makeup that I am gay. But one thing has nothing to do with the other.

My goal with the makeup line was that you wouldn't have to use brushes. Fingers are my favorite thing.

I'm partial to a nice cup of vodka. I normally just drink it really simple with a little bit of lemon.

I love glamour and artificial beauty. I love the idea of artifice and dressing up and makeup and hair.

I try not to wear too much makeup, as I think there comes a point where too much makes you look older.

When it comes to lingerie, there are no rules. I feel the sexiest when I'm myself, no hair, no makeup.

By my makeup and temperament I wasn't really prey to physical desires. Everything happened in my head.

I don't know any neighborhoods where everyone's walking around in seven-inch heels and perfect makeup.

I don't like it when a girl trys to hard and puts loads of makeup on. You gotta show some of yourself.

I approach everyday personal beauty very naturally; I try to make it look like I'm not wearing makeup.

I don't ever wear makeup. I steam my face. I put hot water to open pores and cold water to close them.

She can't help it,' he said. 'She's got the soul of a poet and the emotional makeup of a junkyard dog.

I was very girly growing up; I loved pink and doing my makeup and doing my hair and painting my nails.

Putting the makeup on, not a problem. Taking the makeup off, every night.... it makes your face swell.

Three things it would be extremely difficult to play a show without: makeup, my vocal cords and pants.

As soon as the makeup comes on, I transform myself. I like being an entertainer and putting on a show.

If you're not a makeup artist, and you just try to go for the big looks, it just gets the best of you.

Makeup is kind of becoming a more genderless concept, which is so cool and something that I'm all for.

Built into human makeup is a longing for a 'more' that the world of everyday experience cannot requite.

I love doing photoshoots; it let's me really show off my personality, flair, and makeup within a photo.

I've spent so much time in that makeup that I'm now unrecognizable. The business doesn't know who I am.

I love being super-tough, but if I need to put on a dress and do my hair and makeup, I can do that, too.

The makeup is simply an extension of the personality and colors, clothing, makeup all express something.

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