A short skirt and lots of makeup won't impress me.

A man without makeup is like a cake without icing.

I think less is more in terms of makeup in general.

I do my own makeup for events and red carpet stuff.

Partisanship is not part of my professional makeup.

Makeup is the finishing touch, the final accessory.

Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping.

Men are just jealous because they can't wear makeup.

The ideal beauty is a fugitive which is never found.

Makeup isn't something I've worn a lot of in my life.

My makeup is usually left over from the night before.

When I do my own makeup, I keep things pretty simple.

Less is more! I don't wear makeup if I don't have to.

Cars are part of our genetic makeup. It's unavoidable.

Whenever I don't have to wear makeup, it's a good day.

I'll cry at the end of the day, not with fresh makeup.

Your eye makeup says so much about you and your style.

Adjust your makeup to the light in which your wear it.

I live for makeup and I like wine. These are my truths!

Whenever I don't' have to wear makeup, it's a good day.

If you can't move your brush good, just move your face.

I want to be a guy, but I want to wear a lot of makeup.

For makeup, I prefer to keep it simple for the daytime.

Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.

I feel good in makeup, and it helps create a character.

Wearing too much makeup definitely makes my skin worse.

Emotional makeup is more important than technical skill

If you saw me without makeup, you wouldn't recognize me.

Always wear sunscreen and wash your makeup off at night.

I'm attracted to roles where I don't have to wear makeup.

Poetry is philosophy's sister, the one that wears makeup.

Confidence is everything, but a little makeup can't hurt.

I'm naturally androgynous. I don't wear makeup or skirts.

Makeup can make a woman look more beautiful at every age.

I love seeing people being more daring with their makeup.

Beauty, to me is about being comfortable in your own skin.

When I was a kid, I loved photography, and I loved makeup.

I'm excited to be home, not wear makeup, and wear onesies.

I always felt more comfortable with a full face of makeup.

She's not wearing makeup so her face just looks like skin.

I don't really put on makeup when I'm on mom duty at home.

It is said that no star is a heroine to her makeup artist.

I never thought I'd land in pictures with a face like mine.

I pay attention to how every makeup artist does everything.

The right tools are just as important as the makeup itself.

Attitude might be worth 80 percent of any athlete’s makeup.

I would love to do Rihanna's makeup. I love her cupid's bow!

I always could putt. Part of my makeup, I always could putt.

Imagine taking off your makeup and nobody knows who you are.

I don't think makeup is rocket science or a cure for cancer.

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