When I do my makeup, it kind of helps me get into the character that I'm trying to portray.

I don't like to look at myself in the mirror, which is why my eye makeup is always crooked.

I have three makeup brands that I couldn't live without - Tom Ford, Nars and Laura Mercier.

Doing makeup was a way to create characters, only I got tired of doing it for other people.

The first thing I'll do if I want to look really crappy is, I don't wear any makeup at all.

I am a makeup junkie... Yves St. Laurent, Christian Dior, and anything else that looks good.

Every day, put a little makeup on, put on some nice underwear, and you'll keep your husband.

My secret for staying young is good food, plenty of rest, and a makeup man with a spray gun.

Some people ask me, Do they put aging makeup on you? It's just this very nice street makeup.

Color is key to making your makeup pop and have your unique look stand out amongst the rest.

Strike the right balance between your outfit and makeup. Make a statement with one, not both.

The whiskers sticking up from underneath his pancake makeup, and yet he was a beautiful lady.

The makeup person said oh my God what happened to you? I looked like I was in a car accident.

I always do my own makeup, hair, and styling, including in videos and on, like, album covers.

Men in makeup, obviously, is a very new concept. It has not been widely accepted in the past.

I had to fight my whole life to break out of my circumstances. That's just part of my makeup.

I hated the makeup. I hated all that pancake makeup. I didn't really like dressing for parts.

Most men when they make up their faces, the makeup stands forward, and their faces are behind.

My mother always told me that no matter how late it is, you take your makeup off. Take it off!

When I have really blonde hair, I usually go for a more natural look, wearing way less makeup.

Sometimes, I don't even want to put on makeup. And sometimes, I feel so unattractive and blah.

I got obsessed with makeup and makeup artists when I was young, with people like Kevyn Aucoin.

My favorite thing is just sitting in a makeup chair and letting makeup artists do their thing.

I'd be more than willing to give names and phone numbers of every makeup artist I worked with.

In just a few years, I have turned my small company into a multi-million dollar makeup empire.

For makeup, a bit of blusher - what you call bronzer - a bit of an eye, and an eyelash curler.

I like glasses so I can go out without my makeup. Just grab your coat and get your hat and go.

When I'm in show mode, I can't even think about putting on makeup; I just have to be centered.

For makeup, a bit of blusher — what you call bronzer — a bit of an eye, and an eyelash curler.

There are a lot of people who do a lot of things to be outrageous with fashion, hair or makeup.

I always wanted to be a makeup artist. When I don't get to have my stylist, I do my own makeup!

I would find myself in these photo shoots with models and makeup, and I got swept up in it all.

I don't want to be about the way I look - my body, my hair, my makeup, all those boring things.

Women don't want to feel like they're wearing makeup. I hope I was partly responsible for that.

When I prepare for a match, it's like work, even the way I have to shower and put on my makeup.

I never really wore makeup in high school; I wasn't really into it yet, which is probably good.

Age-appropriate makeup? Who are you people? What makeup is age-appropriate for a seven-year-old?

Makeup is scary. When I do it myself, it's just mascara, and sometimes I forget even to do that.

Cara's always been a real tomboy. She was never really that into makeup. She's very quick at it.

It's very often true that some women look better without makeup, but that's only during the day.

Just like I am obsessed with the history of fashion, I love reading about the history of makeup.

I like the pharmacy makeup. I always get stuck in that aisle... I've always liked looking at it.

If it's a regular day, I won't wear any makeup, just leave my hair down and head out to the car.

We did some massive flirting in front of the nation, but there was never anything more than that.

Trying to act cold is a challenge when your makeup's running and sweat is pouring down your neck.

I'm a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won't need a lot of makeup.

Whenever I see young girls wearing way too much makeup... you're young, you don't need that much.

With my background and genetic makeup,buddy, you're lucky I'm as normal as I am. (Katra Agrotera)

The human race has a yearning to explore. That's part of our biological and psychological makeup.

I really don't wear a lot of makeup, but my makeup artist Priscilla Ono has taught me the basics.

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