I like to make my husband like me more, and he likes it when I'm wearing makeup.

Whenever I do my own makeup, I usually only do foundation, bronzer, and mascara.

I like to make my husband like me more, and he likes it when I’m wearing makeup.

I'm girlie in the sense that I like makeup, but I also love sports and man food.

I'm not cut out to be a famous person; I can't do my hair and makeup well enough.

I love the whole makeup of men - that they never mature and are always just boys.

I tend to leave the house without makeup all the time. I'm kind of lazy that way.

I am very much against makeup and high heels and all that we inherit as 'beauty.'

Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty. And meet me tonight in Atlantic City

It feels otherworldly to wear heels and makeup. Why fit in when you can stand out?

My job requires me to always be on. I'm always getting my makeup done for a shoot.

[Allison Janney] could memorize anything.She would memorize in the makeup trailer!

Because of the makeup of the NBA, it cannot afford for the public to turn on them.

I've always been into cars. Cars are part of our genetic makeup. It's unavoidable.

Even on television, I am full of fake hair and covered in body makeup head-to-toe.

My movies are usually about stripping off the makeup, getting down to the skeleton.

I don't like to go to premieres or openings. I don't like to have to put on makeup.

I’d gone heavy on the black eye makeup until raccoons and I could pass for cousins.

I don't like to have too many makeup artists around, so I always like to do my own.

Whether I'm wearing lots of makeup or no makeup, I'm always the same person inside.

No, I'm not! I'm not a tomboy! I love my makeup! That's not true! I'm not a tomboy!

I'm not a glamorous girl. I don't know how to do my hair. I'm very bad with makeup.

I was the biggest tomboy growing up. Now I love playing with a full face of makeup.

I like simple makeup, but a bit dirty-looking around the eyes - I love a smoky look.

Of course I got lipstick all over my lil' nose in about 5 seconds, nothing's changed.

From being in the industry as a teenager, I'm so used to getting makeup done all day.

I used to wear makeup all the time when I was younger. Now I go out and I don't care.

Makeup can give you the confidence to...change your job, move abroad, get a pay raise.

She's wearing a tight red sweater and a red skirt and enough makeup to scare a hooker.

I love Tokio Hotel and their music, their makeup, their hairstyles and their subtlety.

I like soft, natural brown shades for makeup with a bold lip if I want something glam.

It's the beauty in her, But when the makeup occur, I don't see it, All i see is a blur

For the record: I wear makeup. All. The. Time. But I do it in a way that looks natural.

A lot of times when I'm not at work I like to let my face breath and not put makeup on.

I always remove my makeup before sleeping and moisturise before bed and in the morning.

I wear tinted moisturized since, on the stage, we tend to wear such heavy stage makeup.

I love doing my makeup - mostly because I'm pretty good at it. What I can't do is hair!

Both my uncles were in bands, my grandpa was a comedian who wore clown makeup on stage.

I think that people are born with a certain makeup, and that we're all children of God.

My everyday look is just very natural, but I still like wearing a little bit of makeup.

I, personally, like to get dressed and then do my makeup and hair in about five minutes.

Doing 'Life Without Makeup' onstage is what inspired me to do a book in the first place.

I will confess I did none of my own singing. I did all my own costume and makeup, though.

Rulership is in our genes, dominion is in our makeup. We were designed to rule the earth.

I think women should wear whatever makeup they want for themselves. Makeup should be fun.

I don't wear makeup. I can't stand nothin' on my face. It's a phobia. It's not a platform.

I don't like working out with lots of makeup because I don't like it getting into my pores.

I do fat people and these makeups are really hard to do, but I want to make monster movies.

Here's a helpful life tip. Stand by things that are white cuz it makes you look less white.

Makeup is a way for a woman to look and feel like herself, only prettier and more confident

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