Kiss and make up-but too much makeup has ruined many a kiss.

I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling.

Everything I know about makeup, I've learned from my sister.

I don't recommend washing your face. Because you might drown.

To be honest, makeup is a big part of what I do for a living.

I don't have to wear any other makeup as long as I have blush.

We go hard or we go home we gon' do this all night long! #werk

When I started doing makeup, I had no intention of doing drag.

If I am not working, I won't wear makeup and I will wear flats.

When I perform or have work, I get my makeup done by an artist.

I swear by Neutrogena facial wash - I never sleep in my makeup!

Every time I get my makeup professionally done, I take a photo.

The '80s and '90s were the greatest time to be a makeup artist.

In real life, I'm always in tracksuits, and I never wear makeup.

Use coconut oil to remove makeup, and do it before going to bed.

At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.

In high school I would mess with my hair and makeup all the time.

Honey, I am going to my grave with my eyelashes and my makeup on.

My mother was a makeup artist for Estee Lauder and she taught me.

I'm wondering if I made the right decision about hair and makeup.

For the red carpet, I think dress first and the makeup to follow.

I don't believe in anything artificial. I don't believe in makeup.

Even when I get dressed up to go out, I never use too much makeup.

I used a lot of pancake makeup and a prayer, and a Buddhist chant.

Joy is the best makeup. But a little lipstick is a close runner-up.

I very much feel like I'm part of the makeup of 'Once Upon a Time.'

In a pinch, I could always get work in pictures as a makeup artist.

You become a model once you go through hair, makeup, and Photoshop.

I realize as you age the less makeup you wear the younger you look.

Take good care of yourself. Your life can be gone in a split second.

I felt very grown up when I was wearing makeup, thank you very much.

There's a limit to what I can do with a makeup or with animatronics.

Personally, I don't ever want to depend on makeup to feel beautiful.

There have been makeup artists who've asked if my eyebrows are real.

I am a simpleton at heart. In my personal life, I don't wear makeup.

One of the makeup artists once dyed my dog blue with vegetable blue.

I wear a lot of makeup on set, so I like my skin care to be natural.

I used to wear more makeup, but I've learned to enjoy being natural.

I never wear hair and makeup in my day-to-day, I usually look crazy.

Someday I want to have my own clothing line, perfume and makeup line.

The power of makeup is incredible, but the power of you is cray cray.

To be honest, my usual makeup is the same as in my music video looks.

For my everyday look, I don't like going anywhere without eye makeup.

I despise women wearing too much makeup. It hides their actual beauty.

He (Marilyn Manson) has a woman's name and wears makeup. How original.

I don't like standard beauty - there is no beauty without strangeness.

I just think that wigs and makeup and costumes completely transform me.

The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural.

I'm someone that never likes to overpower the girls in hair and makeup.

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.

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