Saudi women like makeup. And I'm OK with that. If that's what you want to make you feel good, go for it.

St. Tropez has a face glow that is amazing - you can put it on without makeup, and your skin just glows.

I really love diving in, head first, with directing and not having to worry about hair, makeup or lines.

I was a tomboy growing up. Even after I started modeling at thirteen, I didn't learn how to do my makeup.

I hope to inspire others to be confident in their own skin and to love themselves with makeup or without.

The reason there are so few female politicians is that it is too much trouble to put makeup on two faces.

I don't really wear makeup. I don't like the feeling of it. I just put mascara on, and that's kind of it.

If my legs are showing, the makeup artist adds a tiny amount of foundation to body lotion and rubs it in.

I did not know that you had to learn makeup. I just thought you went, 'Oh, I'm gonna put on some makeup.'

Caring about beauty, it is necessary to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no makeup will not help.

My music definitely determines the direction we're gonna move in. It's like music, fashion, hair, makeup.

Nowadays people don't use face powder; they say it dries the skin. But I makeup in the old-fashioned way.

It's really easy with makeup to look like you're trying too hard, like a clown. That's not what you want!

Leadership is inherent in our nature and is fundamental to our origins, our human makeup -and our destiny.

I would never buy skin care from a makeup brand - full transparency. It feels like the opposite of makeup.

The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled Was convincing women that they looked Better in their makeup

That's my one rule: always take off my makeup; no matter how tired I am before going to bed, it comes off!

When I’m not working I try to go natural and not wear a lot of makeup. I think your skin needs to breathe.

I think women have always been trying to look healthy. The makeup artists just teach you the quick cheats.

If I were to wait only for roles that clarify my racial makeup, I'd be waiting for a very, very long time.

I found myself sort of becoming a character actor, though I don't know if that would be my natural makeup.

I've gotten used to the point where I'm so used to being sweaty! I like to wear less makeup and be tougher!

I love Neutrogena's Makeup Remover Cleansing Wipes. They get all my makeup off and are really moisturizing.

I am definitely going to watch the Emmys this year! My makeup team is nominated for “Best Special Effects.”

I go into work and get my hair and makeup done, go into wardrobe. I have to do three hours of school a day.

It's one thing to read about how makeup is applied. It's another thing altogether to watch it being put on.

The biggest beauty myth is that everyone looks better without makeup. That's not true. Makeup is important.

I spend a lot more time on my wardrobe than my makeup routine and usually have to be told to brush my hair!

Makeup is something that is meant to enhance your features, not to make you look like something you're not.

I love having my hair and makeup done for red carpets, but to have that done every day would be exhausting.

I've said this so many times but there's a magic when you have a really good actor in a really good makeup.

There are more important things than outward appearance. No amount of makeup can cover an ugly personality.

My version of makeup is a really intense skin regimen. I just think it's a healthier way to look at beauty.

I'm a girl in boy's clothing. I like to get a little rough. I prefer mud to makeup. That's me in a nutshell.

With me, it's clothing and makeup and hair and all that stuff that inform how the character moves and feels.

Every photo shoot, I'm always asking the makeup artist what they're using on me, and I'll go out and get it.

Having done 'M. Butterfly,' I'm conscious of the choices women make with their clothes and makeup on screen.

I find that putting my makeup on and playing with different looks is really relaxing for me before the show.

Whenever I'm home, I haven't got any makeup on. But even in the studio, before I do vocals, I put makeup on.

It's cold out. It's even cold in Florida. So cold today that Katherine Harris put on a third layer of makeup.

I'm a pageant girl from Texas, so I like makeup and hairspray. And the smoky eye? I think I was born with it!

I've always believed that makeup is a form of self-expression and there is no shame in experimenting with it.

I take off my makeup with Ponds cold cream, and then I wash myself with gentle soap and water, and that's it.

I wouldn't wear makeup, and I didn't like to let boys open the door for me because I felt like it was sexist.

I love natural beauty, and I think it's your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is so transformative.

Pageant makeup is so different from your day-to-day look. When you're on stage you really have to pack it on.

I love color. I'm enjoying trying all different shades. Makeup isn't something I've worn a lot of in my life.

Some people think wearing powder ages them, but try it anyway. For me it mattes my makeup and blends it well.

I can feel glamorous without makeup, especially on my lips. They're naturally reddish, so I often let them go.

In 2016, makeup has become an incredible passion and hobby for men and women, but it hasn't become mainstream.

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