I was frustrated I couldn't remember stuff, and I got real upset. It was driving me nuts.

What makes Jay Johnstone unusual is that he thinks he's normal and everyone else is nuts.

New Yorkers stop me on the street all the time to say, 'You're terrific! You're the nuts!'

It drives me nuts how I rely on my wife for everything. I can't imagine a day without her!

I went a little nuts in my twenties, but I just turned thirty and I feel, like, older now.

Is he nuts?" "I think the expression used to be 'touched by God'." "So that would be a yes.

If your company has a clean-desk policy, the company is nuts and you're nuts to stay there.

In most conventional novels, God is not allowed to be nuts. Nor are nuts allowed to be God.

In most conventional novels, God is not allowed to be nuts. Nor are nuts allowed to be God.

My father said I was perfectly suited for Washington because I've always worked around nuts.

Lorne finally said, Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts.

I love nuts. A handful of almonds, cashews, or walnuts will get me through a couple of hours.

What would a loss of confidence in the dollar actually look like? Gold going absolutely nuts.

I really just can't watch myself. I see all the machinery at work and it just drives me nuts.

Cause we they leaders, and they the followers And we the nut-busters and they the swallowers'

We hunt and fish or we'll go nuts dealing with the criminal behavior of our elected officials.

The one thing that makes me nuts is if there's a problem or something that I don't know about.

Good-quality nuts, toasted in a little butter and salt, make a magical addition to many salads.

Just to make sure the odd humanoid aberration doesn't get away, always pin it through the nuts.

The putter looks like a bunch of nuts and bolts welded together, but the ball goes in the hole.

Jews can build in New York, Moscow and Paris, but in our own land, we can't build? That's nuts.

The only thing I fear more than change is no change. The business of being static makes me nuts.

The big nut to crack is to how to tell a story, what’s the right way to tell a particular story.

Bring forth the raisins and the nuts- Tonight All-Hallows' Spectre struts Along the moonlit way.

Eventually you can get into the nuts and bolts of reality: nurturing, caring, and getting along.

I grew up as a photo nut. Every Christmas I would get a new camera. It's a huge part of my life.

There is no way I could've been so durable playing in the Western Conference. The travel is nuts.

Hitting coach John Mallee, he comes to the ballpark way too early for me, man. He drives me nuts.

You can put Trump in the White House, but you need to prepare for a revolt because I'm going nuts.

Writing is like giving birth to a piano sideways. Anyone who perseveres is either talented or nuts.

Books ain't no good. A guy needs somebody - to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody.

Pine nuts pound for pound are more expensive than most varieties of smoked salmon. There I said it.

You have your opinion, I have mine, and it takes all kinds of nuts and dips to make a party, right?

I can't do negative, needy, or narcissistic anymore. Oh wait, I can still do the last one, aw nuts.

The F.B.I. is about nuts and bolts. It's all about witnesses and procedure and walking the streets.

Ah, nut-brown partridges! Ah, brilliant pheasants! And ah, ye poachers!--'Tis no sport for peasants.

When I die, now don't think that I'm a nut, don't want no fancy funeral, just one like old King Tut.

Really, it's not people who don't understand us who drive us nuts—it's when those who shouldn't, do.

We tend to idealize tolerance, then wonder why we find ourselves infested with losers and nut cases.

We were all gun nuts and they were called varmints, crows were, because they ate grain and so did we.

I've drank more beer and pissed more blood and banged more women than all you numb nuts put together!

I think Elaine would go out with anyone if they showed interest in her. She's nuts. The woman's nuts.

It’s funny, I can sit through the worst horror film ever made! But even a quite good romantic comedy.

Ability may get you to the top, nut it takes chracter to keep you there - mental, moral, and physical.

I used to drive my brothers nuts in the car because I would sing in their ear every song on the radio.

You can't go wrong with some nuts. The key word is 'some.' Eat them one at a time, not by the handful.

Is there a way to design a room in my house where I float around? I would quite enjoy that. It's nuts.

Probably the best thing that happened to me was going nuts. Nobody knew who I was until that happened.

You can eliminate, for example, a Brazil nut gene if you know that it will create an allergenic effect.

Being a good artist is the toughest job you could pick, and you have to be a little nuts to take it on.

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