I want to get down to the nuts and bolts of what is actually going to change to lift New Zealands economic performance.

I like crazy, childlike, candy bar-filled cakes with gooey caramel, chocolate-covered nuts, marshmallows, and the like.

There's a very fine line between a groove and a rut; a fine line between eccentrics and people who are just plain nuts.

Outlandish lyrics sung by smiling people in perfect harmony. Has that edge of surprise...a little nuts and really funny.

Idiot people like Angel Delaporte who look for a supernatural reason for ordinary events, those people drive Misty nuts.

I want to get down to the nuts and bolts of what is actually going to change to lift New Zealand's economic performance.

In real football, I wouldn't want Terrell Owens anywhere near my team. But you're nuts if you don't take him in fantasy.

I'm a farmer! We have a farm that's part of the National Tropical Botanical Garden on Maui, and we raise macadamia nuts.

The hell with the newspapers. Nobody reads the letters to the editor column except the nuts. It's enough to get you down.

EXHORT, v.t. In religious affairs, to put the conscience of another upon the spit and roast it to a nut-brown discomfort.

I had a vision of what it would look like if like seventy people at the same time went nuts and sprayed water everywhere.

We are lending money we don't have to kids who can't pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. That's nuts.

I hate that 'I got it' stuff. That drives me nuts. It's that natural instinct that everything's OK because you're winning.

I think some people think I'm a smarty-pants. Some people think I'm intense, some people think I'm super-esoteric and nuts.

Great. Now I have to go back and tell Haymitch I want an eighty-year-old and Nuts and Volts for my allies. He'll love that.

Use a screwdriver instead of a hammer. Try to untighten the nut with your hand. Utilize the path of least resistance first.

Chestnuts are delicacies for princes and a lusty and masculine food for rusticks, and able to make women well-complexioned.

And people who don’t dream, who don’t have any kind of imaginative life, they must… they must go nuts. I can’t imagine that.

They've said 'Roseanne's nuts' for years, and now I'm going to make that a reality - I'm all about nuts now, macadamia nuts!

If you get outside the world of show business and its satellites, there's a whole world of car nuts in the Los Angeles area.

I am a big nut for kind of weird musicality things. I love key-changes and random tempo things and polyrhythms - music geek.

I love to do lunges because I don't want my butt to start sagging. I say that to my trainer all the time; he thinks I'm nuts.

If my father's business hadn't gone broke, I'd be exporting nuts, bolts and sugar machinery right now. What an awful thought!

It's your living room, it's your life, go nuts. You like Home Improvement? Tape it and go over it like it's the Zapruder film.

Boruc is nuts. He is a very good friend of mine, and so I'm sure he wouldn't mind me saying he's a nutter. He really is crazy.

Only nut cases want to be president. This was true even in high school. Only clearly disturbed people ran for class president.

We are on the cusp of this time where I can say, "I speak as a citizen of the world" without others saying, "God, what a nut."

If every play was three weeks, I'd do lots of plays. It's just the idea of six months, I think, that might drive me a bit nuts.

There are so many health food nuts out there that eat nothing but natural foods but they don't exercise and they look terrible.

For me, art is like a big support group, where you go and meet people who think the same way, and you go, 'Okay, I'm not nuts.'

I drive my family nuts because when I watch something on TV, I'm likely to watch it with a bass guitar. But I don't plug it in!

The early 1970s was a time when illegal acts were in style. Everybody was going nuts with causes, most of them against the law.

Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me: There lie they, and here lie we Under the spreading chestnut tree.

I drive by Baskin Robbins, and - I don't know, it's like - it's pretty hard. Or Dairy Queen. I go nuts. I just gotta keep going.

That's right," said Eeyore. "Sing. Umty-tiddly, umty-too. Here we go gathering Nuts and May. Enjoy yourself." "I am," said Pooh.

I'm strict about taking nuts and dried fruit with me and, if I have access to milk, small packets of porridge to eat in a break.

I stock up on nuts, protein shakes, protein bars, seeds, and have them everywhere - the car, wherever - for when I'm on the move.

Turmeric or cinnamon? Nuts or raisins? The players may change, but the fundamentals of fluffy, fragrant pilaf are always the same.

Inconsiderate, rude behavior drives me nuts. And I guess the inconsiderate rudeness of social ineptitude definitely fuels my work.

I cannot stand the Buckeyes, and having to live in Ohio and hear those people talk about their team, it drives me absolutely nuts.

I always try to make healthy baked goods, like an oatmeal cookie that literally has only oats, nuts, bananas and apple sauce in it.

When you're a teenager with a creative mind, be as creative as possible. I'd rather you go nuts. Having more ideas is always better.

Barbara Stanwyck movies drove me nuts, like 'Ball of Fire' and 'Double Indemnity.' I used to go cuckoo when I would see those films.

(Howard) Dean is a raving nut bag...a raving, sinister, demagogic nutbag...I and a few other people saw that he should be destroyed.

I do happen to love Honey Nut Cheerios. I don't know if I want to walk down to the store in my pajamas for them. But I do love them.

You’ve always been nuts. That’s fine. I can deal with nuts. But lately, you’ve been depressed nuts. I can’t deal with that. - Anthony

I know, as an actor, you have to negotiate, but I can't handle the whole idea that art and commerce are synonymous. It drives me nuts.

You know, I don't watch television! Sorry! I actually don't even have a television. I don't, I really don't. It's nuts, but it's true.

"Now you can trade the S&P 500 Index in real time" was the slogan in the newspapers for the first ETF. What kind of nut would do that?

If you cut off your arm instead of going 'spurt, spurt, spurt' wouldn't it, like, go nuts? Or would it go with the beat of your heart?

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