Pistachio nuts, the red ones, cure any problem.

The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut. Discuss.

Because a lot of straight people think I'm nuts.

Some family trees bear an enormous crop of nuts.

If you think you've gone insane ... you're nuts.

Authors, he thought. Even the sane ones are nuts.

I love playing strong women, even if theyre nuts.

Why leave the nut you got for one you don't know?

I love playing strong women, even if they're nuts.

Isn't it fun to be nuts? Isn't it fun to be crazy?

I've traveled quite a lot and become a coffee nut.

A fanatic is a nut who has something to believe in.

I don't know anybody who's any good who isn't nuts.

I'm a hard nut to crack, and I take it standing up.

I was nuts about Elvis, like every girl in America.

I love nuts and popcorn with olive oil and sea salt.

Every nut who kills people has a Bible lying around.

Just me and my nuts, that's all I got in this world.

God prefers fruits of the spirit over religious nuts.

Any Michael Jackson song will make any dancer go nuts.

The biggest nuts and guess what? He is I and I am him.

I think that all creative people are a little bit nuts.

Warning, I may contain more than a trace amount of nut.

The movers and shakers have always been obsessive nuts.

Ah, nuts. I'm an actor. I just do what comes naturally.

You don't have pressure on yourself to have to go nuts.

Well, I'm a tape-recording nut. I like to play my tapes.

My mother was pretty nuts, but she was also a character.

Crazy people don't sit around wondering if they're nuts.

People who don't have stories in their cultures go nuts.

Sometimes I just want to lick David Lee Roth in the nuts

Actually, Ive been a fanatical health nut for five years.

Most people are really nuts and that's fascinating to me.

I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts.

You can't stay in the desert, you go nuts after 24 hours.

Everybody prefers to see a nut - they're more fascinating.

I will kick you in the nuts and you will smile and like it.

One of these nuts is a meal for a man, both meat and drink.

There you have it: our lives in a nutshell. Emphasis on nut.

I'm a huge Disney nut. I have been since I was a little kid.

Anything that can be put in a nut shell should remain there.

Preaching grace produces fruit. Preaching law produces nuts.

Six bucks and my right nut says we're not landing in Chicago.

The infinite possibilities. That's what used to do my nut in.

Hollywood is a peculiar beast - people in Hollywood are nuts.

I'm 100 percent clean. I'm doing this off of nuts and bananas.

Theres no guilt in eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.

A large oak tree is just a little nut that refused to give up.

Your short-term memory really is shot! It must drive you nuts!!

I was prepared for the theatre, but not for the nuts and bolts.

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