I'm a bit of an M&M nut. I like the blue ones. I pick them out.

After 'Grahan,' you'd be nuts to think I'd try producing again!

I am a health nut and only do things that are good for my body.

God tipped the country and all the fruits and nuts rolled west.

There's no guilt in eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.

The addition of nuts in salad... I always find to be beneficial.

Some of my friends said, 'You are nuts.' But I think I am right.

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut, that held its ground.

Some people like M&Ms plain, and some people like them with nuts.

When people pile seven things onto one burger, it drives me nuts!

I don't want someone to watch sports in bed. That drives me nuts.

It drives people nuts that I take them to McDonald's all the time.

I'm tired of high policy talks. I want to focus on nuts and bolts.

Fresh October brings the pheasant, Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Big breakthrough ideas often seem nuts the first time you see them.

Watching Fox, that's like watching the Cartoon Network. Fox is nuts.

I've had time off, and it drove me nuts. I was crawling up the wall.

The crotch, down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight.

When I don't think biblically, I go nuts. I just go, 'This is crazy.'

There is nothing hard inside the olive; nothing hard outside the nut.

My weakness is chocolate - especially butterscotch and nut varieties.

Art is about going a little nuts... Kids do art for fun. It's playing.

It was the first follower that transformed the lone nut into a leader.

Everybody acts like I'm nuts. I'm not nuts I just want to feel it all.

For a late snack, I'll throw some mixed nuts into greek-style yoghurt.

It's a lot like nuts and bolts - if the rider's nuts, the horse bolts!

People who're nuts never doubt their own sanity. (The Killer's Cousin)

For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts.

Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground.

I'm a fastidious sort of fellow, fond of watermelon and buckbrush nuts.

I may be a nut, but I'm fastened to a good bolt, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I lived crazy really young. So now I don't need to go out and get nuts.

I was worried about being the nut that ruined 40 years of Bond history.

Generally, I snack on lots of fresh fruit and raw nuts, such as almonds.

I'm an only child, so I don't really have any siblings to drive me nuts.

The taxpayer group in every state is always - always referred to as nuts.

People think I'm nuts because I can sit in a room and be happy by myself.

I would enjoy doing what cats do: singing, sleeping, and licking my nuts.

I was thinking that if I hit his nuts, maybe he would serve like a woman.

Almond blossom, sent to teach us That the spring days soon will reach us.

What kind of crazy nut would spend two or three hours a day just running?

Some chefs go crazy with one restaurant, and if I had 20, I would go nuts.

I could write and help a lot of kids, or teach and help a few and go nuts.

In a good play every speech should be as fully flavored as a nut or apple.

People can snap. People have a limit. And some people are just plain nuts.

We always have veggies, nuts, spreads, and fruits laying around the house.

I'm used to people thinking I'm nuts. And you know what? I kind of love it.

Nobody can live in the past or the future without being something of a nut.

I guess this proves there are as many nuts in the Academy as anywhere else.

There are so many talented people that are on G.O.O.D. Music that it's nuts.

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