I love Oprah to death.

There's no male Oprah.

I got the famous Oprah hug!

I don't think I'm the 'Oprah' type.

I'm aiming to become the white Oprah.

God's advice trumps Oprah's every time.

Oprah Winfrey is such an inspiring person.

I've learned a tremendous amount from Oprah.

I want to go to dinner with Oprah! Who doesn't?

The image I had was that Oprah books were fluffy.

I want to be a combination of P. Diddy and Oprah.

I love the mall, and I love Howard Stern and Oprah.

I've been on 'Oprah' a dozen times, and cried once.

I'm fat, and I support fat celebrities, like Oprah.

My first job ever was, I got hired by Oprah Winfrey.

As a little kid, I would watch Oprah almost every day.

I have to admit, if Oprah were a man, I would marry her.

I was incredibly inspired by Oprah Winfrey as a young woman.

You won't see me on Barbara Walters; Oprah, that's not who I am.

Oprah is very, very, very special to me. She's an amazing woman.

The difference between Oprah Winfrey and me is about $200 million.

My idols are Oprah and Martha. From nothing, they built industries.

I'm just comfortable in front of the camera. I'm like the male Oprah.

I would really like to create my own show. And I really wanna meet Oprah.

Oprah has this intense curiosity that I haven't found with any interviewer.

I still want Oprah to play my best friend. I want to spend time with Oprah.

I just want Tina Fey to be my best friend. And Lena Dunham. And Oprah, too.

I am not immune to Oprah's charms, but President Winfrey is a terrible idea.

One of the wonderful things about Oprah: She teaches you to keep on stepping.

I say, do not mess with Oprah. The one person in America you shouldn't mess with.

Growing up, I was going to school for broadcast journalism. I wanted to be Oprah.

You don't mess with Oprah. She has enough money in her left pocket to have me killed.

When I met Oprah, the first thing I thought was, 'She is the most amazing hugger ever.'

Working for Oprah is a dream come true. She was on my dream board for the longest time.

I want to spend time with Oprah, and I don't know what I need to do to make that happen.

Oprah has definitely caught my eye. My mom and I used to watch her shows. We just love her.

A lot of people think Oprah is channeling for Madam Walker, and there are lots of parallels.

I'd definitely have some butterflies if the day ever came when I'd get to sit down with Oprah.

With 'Nighty Night' series one, Oprah Winfrey's channel took it on, so she must have liked it.

People think that I don't work, and I fly around in Oprah's private plane doing whatever I want.

In the beginning, my first clients were Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, and all different types of women.

It would be my goal for Palin to become Oprah and be the ultimate kingmaker for twenty-odd years.

I have met Madonna. I have met Oprah Winfrey. I have met some of the most phenomenal people alive.

When I got my Oprah money, the first thing I bought was a really nice electronic bidet toilet seat.

I say getting a lecturing from Oprah is probably the most terrifying lecture you could possibly get.

Steadman! Any guy that's got Oprah as a girlfriend, I mean that's a good dude. I want to talk to him.

Oprah's such a wonderful spirit; she's been given a lot of gifts in her life, and she gives them back.

I grew up watching Oprah on television. So, to say I didn't learn a lot from her just wouldn't be true.

I think of Oprah as a Mother Joseph wannabe, a daytime oracle rewarding the good and punishing the bad.

I think Oprah who is the height of aspiration and inspiration recognizes something in me that is germane.

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