No artist produces great art by a deliberate attempt to express his own personality.

Most skills can be learned, but it is difficult to train people on their personality.

You can't study comedy; it's within you. It's a personality. My humor is an attitude.

Manhood and sagacity ripen of themselves; it suffices not to repress or distort them.

You look for those actors or actresses that fit the personality to populate the film.

I definitely want to go out and explore different personalities and different people.

Personality is immediately apparent, from birth, and I don't think it really changes.

I've never been a sunny personality. I've never been outgoing. I'm a solitary person.

Cats are peaceful and tranquil - they bring calmness with their serene personalities.

Breakthroughs, in art, in culture, in personality, come when tackling the unexpected.

I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.

Money buys everything except love, personality, freedom, immortality, silence, peace.

I have never had an animal that didn't have a personality, one differing from another.

Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want.

What you are must always displease you, if you would attain to that which you are not.

Personality has power to uplift, power to depress, power to curse, and power to bless.

In the movie, you're moving, you have personality, you don't have to be great looking.

I owe everything that I have done to the fact that I am very much at ease being alone.

Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities.

A cultivation of the powers of one's personality is one of the greatest needs of life.

All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities.

In the context of social media, reddit is more about the media than the personalities.

To insist on purity is to baptize instinct, to humanize art, and to deify personality.

I mean, I would hope that I have a style or personality that is evident wherever I go.

Only he, who penetrates into the depth of the game, can express his personality in it.

A study of family portraits is enough to convert a man to the theory of reincarnation.

The more melancholy side of my literary personality is much in tune with BS Johnson's.

Show me an actress who isn't a personality and I'll show you a woman who isn't a star.

It is my personality alone that has brought back the waltz and made it a global craze.

Style has no formula, but it has a secret key. It is the extension of your personality.

The best thing you can do is work on your personality because we're all gonna get ugly.

The Holy Spirit wants to convert the words of Scripture into transformed personalities.

I didn't like anything about myself - my looks, my personality. I was very, very angry.

You know, I'm a television personality. It's not like I'm a famous hooker or something!

Neither your family nor your culture gave you your personality. You created it yourself.

Art in its widest sense is the extension of the personality: a host of artificial limbs.

Every advertisement is part of the long term investment in the personality of the brand.

No charm, no humor, no wit -- and a personality which can only be described as 'icky.' .

Hey now, you're an all star, get your game on go, ...Only shooting stars break the mold.

Wherever you have people, you have factions and disagreements and personality conflicts.

Hard conditions of life are indispensable to bringing out the best in human personality.

A man of personality can formulate ideals, but only a man of character can achieve them.

To me, what makes an artist is a unique personality that they're not afraid to let show.

What one discovers in life, I find, is that one's personality defects don't come and go.

I recently bought a cat, but took it back a day later because our personalities clashed.

I spent a lot of time staring at the clock in school, so I have that kind of personality.

When the personality comes to serve the energy of the soul that is authentic empowerment.

Thus the radii of all education run together into one center which is called personality.

People expect not just songwriters but all personalities to pontificate about their egos.

Early experiences convinced me that animals can and do have quite distinct personalities.

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