Truth is a necessary phantom.

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.

The writer must hew the phantom rock.

Women's regular bleeding engenders phantoms.

Without dreams and phantoms man cannot exist.

As phantoms frighten beasts when shadows fall.

It is far harder to kill a phantom than a reality.

Even when the Phantom's leased, them hoes wanna get in.

Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.

He who does not fill his world with phantoms remains alone.

I am a ghost in a land of phantoms and forgotten nightmares.

Time is but a phantom dagger That motion lifts to slay itself.

Perhaps living souls had greater phantom powers than the dead.

You, sir, are the most phantom-like of all; you are a mere dream

His last words, according to De Morgan: Man follows only phantoms.

Love is best a phantom than reality, better in the chase than caught.

Such phantom blossoms palely shining Over the lifeless boughs of Time.

Oh heck yeah, I totally would love to have a Phantom Dennis in real life.

For the Phantom, there is only one girl. For Sam, there is only one horse.

A microscopic phantom of the universe; this is all that we are able to be.

For I do not exist: there exist but the thousands of mirrors that reflect me.

When a woman has seen me, as you have, she belongs to me. She loves me forever.

The world, life and human beings are only an illusion, a phantom, a dream image.

If you fear phantoms, you're like a child frightened of seeing things in the dark.

I see the state of all of us who live, nothing more than phantoms or a weightless shadow.

Science robs men of wisdom and usually converts them into phantom beings loaded up with facts.

Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream, And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by? ---"On death

How false is the conception, how frantic the pursuit, of that treacherous phantom which men call Liberty.

In that undifferentiated reality of the Self there is eternal bliss. All the phantoms of existence fade away.

Material existence is entirely founded on a phantom realm of mind, whose nature and geography are unexplored.

We chase phantoms half the days of our lives. It is well if we learn wisdom even then, and save the other half.

This film "Phantom" takes everything that's wrong with Broadway and puts it on the big screen in a gaudy splat.

I always found it weird when the Phantom would call Raoul insolent boy and the Raoul was obviously older than him.

Sculpture is more than painting. It is greater To raise the dead to life than to create Phantoms that seem to live.

This was life, I supposed, running and running and running, and realizing along the way that the phantom was getting closer.

Phantoms in general are nothing more than trifling disorders of the spirit; images we cannot contain within the bounds of sleep.

All of the universes are but phantoms, mirages, and while they have their own essence, their own pantomime - they pass forgotten.

No matter whether "I" feels victorious or defeated, elated or discouraged, these are mere phantoms compared to consciousness itself.

Tranquillity hides in small spaces, and when found needs to be treasured, because you know it's a phantom that will slip away again.

Our fathers had their dreams; we have ours; the generation that follows will have its own. Without dreams and phantoms man cannot exist.

It [film-making] really just has to do with my own ghosts and phantoms. And I have to say, in the end, it's just my way of seeing things.

Of all the phantoms fleeting in the mist Of time, though meagre all and ghostly thin; Most unsubstantial, unessential shade Was earthly fame.

If you look at the great frauds of all time, Enron had that phantom trading floor. What Herbalife has is it has phantom or fictitious customers.

Meg Gardiner is one of my favorite authors. She always delivers a terrific read. Phantom Instinct should go to the top of your 'to-be-read' pile.

Life is the game that must be played, this truth at least, good friends, we know; so live and laugh, nor be dismayed as one by one the phantoms go.

You know what, despite my complaints about The Phantom Menace and Episode II, when Episode III comes out I'll be first in line. I genuinely love it.

God is not an elusive dream or a phantom to chase, but a divine person to know. He does not avoid us, but seeks us. When we seek Him, the contact is instantaneous.

The Phantom, as well as being backed up by that music, it just so was a role that I identified with so powerfully. From the first second that I walked on to perform.

For Lily, there was only her phantom lover, bold enough, arrogant enough, crazy enough to dare follow her here when he was in far more danger than she could ever be.

The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms; and to confide in one's self, and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.

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