I hate planes.

I love flying planes.

I don't do small planes!

Planes do not inspire me.

I never seen snakes on a plane

It's always freezing on planes.

I've spent half my life on planes.

I love traveling, but I hate planes.

I wish I wrote 'Paper Planes' by M.I.A.

I would hate to be on a plane every day.

It was the most romantic plane ever made.

I've been on more planes than I can count.

Pack an outfit to change into on the plane.

Whenever we were on a plane, we had a family.

I hate turbulence in life, but also on planes.

New Guinea was sort of a graveyard for planes.

And I fly planes all the time. And helicopters.

Can a country's people be better than its planes?

How come New York gets all the cool plane crashes?

I've been offered private planes, and I'm like, 'No!'

Don't spend money on gear. Spend it on plane tickets.

In art, you CAN crash your plane and walk away from it

I hate flying. I don't like planes. I get really anxious.

I am cursed with the inability to sleep on planes - ever.

I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride.

A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack.

The only way to get around Arizona is by small private plane.

I'm a keen traveller, and I'm a nerd with planes and airports.

Music is on a higher plane than everything else in this world.

We don't talk about planes flying. We talk about them crashing.

My main place is in Switzerland, but I live on a plane, really.

I don't know if anyone will ever sit beside me on a plane again.

One does not travel by plane. One is merely sent, like a parcel.

Airports and 'leg room' on planes are a form of medieval torture.

Every novel is an ideal plane inserted into the realm of reality.

I don't know if you'll see me jumping out of planes anytime soon.

I fell asleep on a plane and never woke and now I'm livin a dream.

I've been taking pictures of wherever I go, or on planes, whatever.

On our plane knowledge and ignorance are the immemorial adversaries.

I don't know if Jerry Lawler got here in a plane, or a time machine.

No radical change on the plane of history is possible without crime.

To send our troops, our ships, our planes to this war is ridiculous.

Right before I jumped out of a plane, I knew what Superman felt like.

I'm always on a train or a plane, so wherever I happen to be is home.

The Howard Hughes I knew began to change after his plane crash in 1941.

I was on the plane with Dwayne You can call me Whitley, I go to Hillman

There was a time when I restored antique planes to support my art habit.

Personal power is the ability to enter into different planes of reality.

Man cannot live on the human plane, he must be either above or below it.

I'm always like, "Maybe I can drive the car. I can still fly the plane!"

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