Pele was the most complete player I've ever seen.

What is your position at the company? Right back.

George Best was the greatest player in the world.

I really felt like we had to have a go to player.

The ugliest player I ever signed was Kenny Burns.

Jimmer Fredette is the best scorer in the world!!

They had Jan Venegoor of...whatever you call him.

I want to be one of the best players in the game.

I just want to be a better guitar player, really.

I think I was the best baseball player I ever saw.

I wish I was a great cricket player, but I am not.

My foot, for a football player, is very beautiful!

You can only really yell at the players you trust.

I'm not the next Kournikova-I want to win matches!

Look, I'm in the top 20 of players who ever lived.

I don't know that I'd agree I was our best player.

Michael Jordan was a tremendous basketball player.

I just said to myself, 'Damn, I'm a great player.'

Some players get over-dependable on their coaches.

I don't like to see players tossed off needlessly.

I'm a perimeter player. I'm more like a Ray Allen.

A female piano player is always pretty cool to me.

I'm no different than any other expendable player.

If you're a basketball player, you've got to shoot.

we're watchers of this world aren't we? not players

A great chess player always has a very good memory.

Wrestlers are a bunch of wanna-be football players.

Michel Platini is a good player, not a great player

All the world is a stage and we are merely players.

Monogamous musicians are like vegan hockey players.

Is Messi a real player or a Play Station character?

I am the best tennis player who cannot play tennis.

You have to be a winning player just to break even.

Big players want to play in front of big audiences.

Bach is really the ultimate in bass players you know

I don't believe a player is ever a finished product.

As players, we always have a way to get back at you.

Great players crave instruction on their weaknesses.

The door can never be closed for good to any player.

I want to be the best player to ever play this game.

I'm a baseball player, I'm not a political activist.

I'm just trying to be the best player that I can be.

The players must be at the centre of their industry.

I learned how to play against players better than me.

I won't quit on a player who doesn't quit on himself.

Who am I being that my players' eyes are not shining?

If I were a player, I would like to be like Busquets.

England have players who can rattle anyone's feathers

There's a little triangle - five left-footed players.

Phil Jackson would fight his own players in practice.

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