Paul Scholes. The best! Great player, person, friend!

Steve Fister is a great guitar player. He's ROCKIN'!!

The only thing Chess players have in common is Chess.

As with every young player these days, Ronaldo is 18.

I don't judge my success in life as a football player.

Phil Robson is a disturbingly good jazz guitar player!

One or two of their players aren't getting any younger

I went through baseball as a player to be named later.

A great ballplayer is a player who will take a chance.

I am a rugby player and first and foremost I am a man.

The best player I ever played with was Dennis Johnson.

Serena Williams best female player ever - no question.

I buy records - vinyl. I have a record player at home.

I'm a lot better coach when I have really good players

I see myself as a player for whom there are no limits.

The best players want to play in the best competition.

Your job is to umpire for the ball and not the player.

To be successful you need to have good, happy Players.

I feel like I can compete against any physical player.

I had Lana and she was the number one player on my team

That showed a total lack of disrespect from the player.

I'm not an athlete. I'm a professional baseball player.

Steve Nash is the most unathletic player in the league.

Canadian hockey players always find a way to get along.

Michael Jordan is God disguised as a basketball player.

Messi is probably the best player of the last 20 years.

The Germans only have one player under 22, and he's 23!

Michel Platini has no bottle. He is not a great player.

Big time players make big time plays in big time games.

She’s not much of a team player, more of a team yeller.

As the game gets bigger, it get bigger for the players.

The players make the manager, it's never the other way.

Steven Gerrard is the best player I've ever played with.

I can't say I feel influenced by today's guitar players.

Over coaching is the worst thing you can do to a player.

I need more time to develop as a player and as a person.

A distinctly ordinary player of extraordinary dirtiness.

If I had to go to war again, I'd bring lacrosse players.

The great players have a set of golf clubs in their feet

Figure skaters have awful perceptions of hockey players.

(Mantle) was clearly a greater player in his peak years.

Every player, every coach doesn't always see eye to eye.

You need bad times to become a better and strong player.

I always liked serve-and-volley players and big athletes

I went through baseball as 'a player to be named later.'

I've always said the World Cup is a dream for any player.

No, I've never had a job other than being a chess player.

I was not a very good football player when I started out.

I've never really had a favorite player, past or present.

It's not the name that makes the player. It's the player.

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