When you're worrying you're not praying. Stop worrying start praying.

I just kick a heelflip out - frontside 180, jump in the air and pray.

It's just not easy enough to say that I pray and God will accomplish.

Life is full of miracles, but they're not always the ones we pray for.

Grant us peace, Almighty Father, so to pray as to deserve to be heard.

Aretmis gripped her bow. “Let us pray I am wrong.” Can goddesses pray?

Pray and doubt; you’ll do without. Pray and believe; you will receive.

I have a really great relationship with God. I pray. I read the Bible.

A pastor who does not pray daily for his congregation is not a pastor.

The biggest enemy to prayer is praying for something you already have.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and thine own soul shall be refreshed.

We neither laugh alone, nor weep alone, why then should we pray alone?

Tell Aretha I’ll be praying for herBecause she needs Jesus!I love her.

You know how to pray, don’t you? Just put your hands together and hope.

Each day, whatever I am doing, I am always praying and thinking of God.

To pray is to pay attention to something or someone other than oneself.

Amidst all of these flashing lights I pray the fame won't take my life.

There is a mighty lot of difference between saying prayers and praying.

Peace is always possible but we have to seek it. Let us pray for peace.

If I were as good at praying as I am at not praying I'd be really holy.

When God's mercies are coming, their footfalls are our desires to pray.

I pray for miracles. I have always found prayer to bring quick results.

To pray as God would have us pray is the greatest achievement of earth.

Resort to sermons, but to prayers most: Praying's the end of preaching.

Prayer causes things to happen that wouldn't happen if you didn't pray.

Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow you.

Pray use both cats as sponges if it pleases you, infatuated infantryman.

Let us pray that Allah will guide us safely through such a time as this.

I don't pray so that I can change God. I pray so that God can change me.

To pray is to desire; but it is to desire what God would have us desire.

The two things you cannot do effectively on stage are pray and copulate.

As a young man I prayed for success. Now I just pray to be worthy of it.

The presidency has a funny way of making a person feel the need to pray.

My religion says that only he who is prepared to suffer can pray to God.

I used to pray that God would make me a great athlete, and He never did.

It's not enough to attend church and pray every Sunday; you have to act.

To want what I have, to take what I'm given with grace. For this I pray.

But I loved making Eat Pray Love, and I loved working with Julia Roberts.

Long time no see. I only pray the caliber of your questions has improved.

Know this: God’s delays are not necessarily His denials. So keep praying.

Prayer is such a great effort to most of us because we do not pray right.

The less I pray, the harder it gets; the more I pray, the better it goes.

Wisdom and strength, and my family, is what I'd like for you to pray for.

My secret is a very simple one: I pray. To pray to Christ is to love him.

From now on you must pray for your people and yourself three times a day.

He prays because he knows he doesn't control it. He's at the mercy of it.

Lightening falls, all you can do is- pray God that it doesn't fall on you.

We pray that Aung San Suu Kyi and her country are now on a path to freedom

Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.

To pray to God is to flatter oneself that with words one can alter nature.

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