I love taking advantage of red carpets.

Interviews are fun, but I get nervous at red carpets.

I used to have visions of flashing lights and red carpets.

My normal thing was going to premieres and walking red carpets.

We're more pub and football guys rather than walking the red carpets.

To this day, I love eating steak tacos before going to the red carpets.

I feel like I'll never get over red carpets. They're so bizarre and awkward.

Red carpets and dressing up are a part of work that I enjoy less than some people.

I've always struggled with Hollywood feeling trivial. Red carpets aren't worth it.

'Filly Brown' gave me the wings to fly, but red carpets are still very uncomfortable.

On red carpets, as people throw questions at you, you try and answer as quickly as possible.

It's weird doing red carpets; it's uncomfortable. But you can have a sense of humor about it.

I do love to have pictures taken and to pose and wear fabulous gowns, so red carpets are a comfort zone.

I love having my hair and makeup done for red carpets, but to have that done every day would be exhausting.

I've turned my back on fancy parties and red carpets. I'm a writer, and if I did that, I'd never get anything done.

I don't want to be all worthy about it, but I don't do red carpets, I don't do events and I don't accept freebies that much.

If I were to reason like those who roll out red carpets, I would say we might have some repatriations from the City of London.

You won't see me searching out red carpets or TV cameras. I'm more comfortable sitting back and letting others enjoy the spotlight.

I think a lot of kids I've met in L.A. trying to act want to escape working long days and think acting is all photoshoots and red carpets.

Day-to-day, I don't wear make-up, my hair's not done, and I'm in ripped jeans and a Bonds tee. But doing red carpets is just part of work.

If my career isn't going that well, I'd rather it flounder than desperately trying to show up on red carpets: 'I'm for hire! Remember me!'

While my life shifts from refugee camps to red carpets, I choose them both because these worlds can, in fact, coexist. And for me, they must.

Every time I walk down one of those red carpets, you think I'd be used to it after all these years, but it's like it's happening for the first time.

I have a Twitter profile, but I avoid red carpets and all that kind of stuff. I'd rather no one talk about me ever, and I just get to do my thing. I'm an introvert.

I almost choke on my popcorn when I hear film stars, who walk on red carpets as much as the rest of us do on zebra crossings, criticising youngsters who crave fame.

I never get used to the red carpets and premieres, to be honest, but when you're walking down the red carpet promoting stories such as 'Mabo,' it means everything to me.

It's hard to find that perfect dress that makes you feel like a million bucks. I've found a few, and I wish I could wear them over and over and over again on red carpets.

As an entertainment journalist for over a decade, I travel to great places for work, from red carpets in Rio, movie premieres in London to celebrity sit-downs in Bora Bora.

I wear trainers everywhere. Weddings, parties, definitely red carpets and fashion events. It's bad. And listen, I love shoes. I love high heels. But I buy trainers all the time.

One of the best parts about my job is that I get to dress for red carpets and appearances, and I often forgo working with a stylist because fashion is half the fun of any event!

I definitely don't like red carpets. I go on the red carpet because I have to but I'm not a big fan. That's not my thing. I'd rather be in the studio making music and performing.

I want to open an eye or two about what being an actor is really like because it's not all red carpets and photo shoots. It's like trying to get that job and going from job to job.

Celebs most likely pay someone to do their makeup for events, shows, red carpets, etc. My mind is blown sometimes when I see some of the horrendous contour or the uneven foundation.

Give me the flash lights, the red carpets, and all that goes with it. Please! Oh, and I love hoardings. I love them. Nothing makes me happier than my face splashed all over the city.

I hated working red carpets, I hated the whole celebrity interview process. I just realized I'd rather be the person somebody wanted to ask questions to than the person asking the questions.

I feel like I'm way too young to wear such heavy makeup all the time. It's just bad for your skin, but I'm always doing photo shoots or red carpets and events, so I obviously want to look good.

Oh, yeah, I like a high neck. And I like naked backs. It seems very sexy. Red carpets are about being a bit theatrical - having fun rather than being too safe. You have to be brave. Fashion is fun.

I mean, no one has ever gotten to see what it's like to be a WWE Diva. Yes, we are all a bunch of athletes and we have to get down on the ring, but we also have to attend photo shoots and red carpets.

Red carpets are awful. They're like a kind of purgatory - you stand there, and there are cameras flashing everywhere. One of my first red carpets was in Cannes for 'The Great Gatsby,' and I'd never seen anything like it.

I've had bad experiences on red carpets where people didn't know who I was and were like, 'Get out of the way!' It's so embarrassing to have someone scream at you like you're not worth anything when you were invited there.

Red carpets are pretty unpredictable. You can go from one person asking you what you're wearing to the next person asking you about the situation in Haiti. It's the extreme juxtaposition, and some of the questions can throw me!

I always say as a celebrity you have two choices - you can be a celebrity, or you can be a role model. You can choose to just go to parties and do the red carpets and all that, or you can choose to be an example to these people.

I mean, look at the people we celebrate - a lot of people who really don't do anything. They just walk the red carpets and go to all the parties, and they're hooked up with the right people, so they're celebrities. But what for?

I think a lot of young girls see actresses, and they think of red carpets, and they think of 'Us Weekly,' and they don't really think about the breaking down of a script and what that requires and what you would need to pull it off.

I give complete respect to any couple that stays together, however they do it, whether they do it by going on red carpets or going hiking together, you know, or keeping themselves really quiet and trying to stay out of all that press stuff.

I love jeans and T-shirts, but for red carpets, I like Oscar de la Renta, who is timeless. Marchesa celebrates the female form in an ethereal way. Donna Karan does an Urban Zen collection, which is eco-friendly. I love socially conscious fashion.

I have never felt 'fat;' I just didn't realise how unhealthy I was until I look back at pictures. In the moment, I felt so beautiful, and I remember walking down red carpets with my make-up done in a little sparkly dress, and I thought I was so cute.

If it was up to me, I would just wear jeans and t-shirts, even to red carpets, but then no one would photograph me, so that would make me very sad. So you know, I've gotta keep up with the rest of the female population and sometimes try a little harder.

If I hadn't had a baby, a part of me thinks I might have turned up on the red carpets all the time and gone, 'Hi, it's me!' Maybe other people do it because they haven't got kids and they've nowhere else to be. But because I have, I don't feel like that.

I've walked with very famous people down red carpets over to the crowd of thousands of people, and you'll reach out to shake their hand and they've got a camera in their hand. And they don't even get their hand out, because they're recording the whole time.

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