One of my favorite films is 'Let the Right One In.'

So it was a hard decision but I know it is the right one.

Vote is a medium of change and a right one should not waste.

You got to go down a lot of wrong roads to find the right one.

CEOs make hard decisions; sometimes, the least worst is the right one.

Actually I liked that 'Let the Right One In,' that Swedish vampire movie.

Oftentimes the easy decision and comfortable decision is not the right one.

I have always been a Napoli fan, but the choice to move to Dubai is the right one.

I'm a big fan of Brian De Palma's 'Sisters,' and I also love 'Let The Right One In.'

They only have to be right one time, the terrorists do, and we have to be wrong one time.

Sometimes whatever you say to players is not enough to convince them your choice is the right one.

Finding a good band is Iike finding a good wife. You got to keep trying till you find the right one.

I guess that feeling of wanting to settle down and have children will follow when you find the right one.

Fellas, it's all a numbers game. The more women you meet, the greater chance you have of finding the right one.

I think India's policy that the openness of trade should be carried through a multilateral process is the right one.

I have to make myself available for work. If I'm going to sit around only for great roles, I won't get the right one.

For a Tamil debut, I wanted to make sure the script is the right one. We are hopeful 'Bramhotsavam' will be that film.

There are some decision-makers in the world whose version of sanity is a little different from what I consider the right one.

My little brother is autistic, so I would love to be involved in a charity for autism, but I haven't found the right one yet.

I came into acting with that sort of dull, meet-with-triumph-and-disaster-the-same philosophy and it's been the right one for me.

The most important thing - and I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it a hundred times - if you marry a man, marry the right one.

If I were to do a sequel, it would be with Sophie as a very old woman and The BFG the same, a bit like that 'Let the Right One' in film.

It's constantly fascinating for me that something that feels absolutely right one year, 12 months later feels like the wrong thing to do.

When a family buys a house, they know when it's the right one - the fixer upper where they can spend all their time and grow old together.

Monologues are self-verifying and self-referencing, a world in their own right, one with its own internal logic that strengthens with reiteration.

One should be willing to throw away a dozen ideas to come up with a good one, just as one should throw away a dozen words to come up with the right one.

Generally, our first idea of what our business is going to be is not the right one. It takes a few iterations; to get there, you have to be able to let go.

If you are on the right medication... stay on it and don't change. But if it doesn't seem to be working, then go to a doctor and find the right one for you.

I think about being married again, having a home and a wife. No one can ever be married too many times, and maybe if I keep trying I'll get it right one day.

Things slow down, the ball seems a lot bigger and you feel like you have more time. Everything computes - you have options, but you always take the right one.

I do not feel certain until I have confronted my initial solution with other solutions - although in fact the first solution often proves to be the right one.

I've got four piercings in my left, so we've dubbed my right one the 'period drama ear.' I have to be filmed from that side when I do emotional close-ups in 'Downton.'

This is one of his most human and most amusing and witty novels. The characters are very Indian. I decided that I wanted to do a comedy, so this was just the right one.

Trump is a juggernaut that is difficult to unravel at this point, but I think Marco Rubio is the right one to do it. I think he can win Arkansas, and he can win in November.

That's just what 'The 100' does. They like to put their characters in a position where no decision is the right one, you know? You have to kind of just hope that it works out.

I always wanted to do a comedy, but I wanted to pick the right one. But it came down to working with Steve Carell. I've wanted to work with him since I met him years ago as a kid.

I've been looking for my absolute favorite beauty product for a long time because my skin becomes dry and oily relatively fast. I haven't found the right one, but I'm not giving up!

There's not a system better than another. There are some people better than others. I'm not anti-democracy, but there's no real system yet that has proven itself to be the right one.

I think my decision to stay at Real is looking more and more like the right one. I've never regretted coming back. I came because I trusted the team and I thought we could get better.

Formula 1 is the sort of place where people tend to have an opinion about everything, and usually, they tend to believe their own opinion is the right one, even if it relates to someone else.

I tried so hard with movies like Vertigo and Middle of the Night and others. I felt those would show me that it's only a matter of time before I'd find the right one to reach out and touch people.

One aspect of appellate judging is we have to give reasons for all of our decisions. And when you sit down and try to write it out, sometimes you find that your first judgment wasn't the right one.

What nobody wants to discuss is whether or not the black-and-white argument about trade - you're either a free trader or you're a protectionist - is the right one. It's the old 19th century argument.

There are many different ways of telling an interactive story, I think. I don't think there's a right one and a wrong one. There are different games telling different types of stories in different ways.

In Greek myth, a chimera is a creepy combination of lion, goat, dragon - in humans, chimeras are one person who contains two sets of DNA. That's right. One person comes up in tests as two different people.

'House of Balloons' was special because I had no deadlines, and nobody knew me, so there were no expectations. Spent a year making it perfect. Every song had at least, like, 7 different versions to them before picking the right one.

Girls and guys are like a bus stop - they come and go. You never know, like, who's going to be the right one, and what I've been taught is you really gotta figure out who you are first before you can really give yourself to someone else.

Every decision you make in life, not just on the sporting field - a lot of time and energy goes into it. You think things through before you make decisions and you always think the decision you make at the time is going to be the right one.

Everybody has their manifesto; let them talk their language, come to the people, and the people will decide. In a democracy, no party or candidate wins or loses. If you, the people, chose a wrong man, you lose; if you chose the right one, you win.

A narrative is like a room on whose walls a number of false doors have been painted; while within the narrative, we have many apparent choices of exit, but when the author leads us to one particular door, we know it is the right one because it opens.

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