I don't really like roller coasters!

Really, I don't like roller coasters.

Everybody likes a roller coaster ride.

It's a white-knuckle roller-coaster ride.

Life's a roller coaster, but I feel a change.

Life's a roller coaster, but I feel a change.

Breaking news on live TV is a roller coaster.

A journey indeed, in an emotional roller-coaster.

I have to tell you, every day is a roller coaster.

Actually, I can take a roller coaster or leave it.

I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.

Time flies when you're on an emotional roller coaster.

Early on, yeah, my life was a bit of a roller coaster.

That's kind of how I am - a roller coaster of emotions.

Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy life.

The only ones to get hurt on a roller coaster are the jumpers.

I spilled more times than a glass of milk on a roller coaster.

There cannot be Ups in a roller-coaster ride unless there are Downs.

Authentic Christianity is a roller-coaster ride, not a merry-go-round.

You want the match to be like a roller coaster, so you can't predict it.

The first roller coaster I ever went on in my life wasn't until college.

There is nothing like the indignity of not fitting into a roller coaster.

Once you know where the roller coaster is going, are you in for the ride?

Life is a roller coaster, you have your ups and downs unless you fall off.

Life's a roller coaster, and you never know when it's going to take a turn.

My favourite roller coaster is the Millennium Force at Cedar Point in Ohio.

Greece's history in the drachma was an up-and-down history, a roller coaster.

Starting anything is a roller coaster with the highest highs and lowest lows.

I personally love heights and roller coasters, I'm such an adrenaline junkie.

I don't know why, but I've always been a sucker for roller coasters in movies.

My career has been a roller coaster ride. And every actor experiences that phase.

I have had an extraordinary life, but it's been one incredible roller coaster ride.

I never plan anything-life is a roller coaster ride - I just hang on for dear life.

My weight has been an emotional roller-coaster for me, and I am ready to get off it.

The truth is that entrepreneurship is more like a roller coaster ride than a cruise.

My moods are like a roller coaster. It's hard for me to just feel one way all the time.

There are no perfect life plan formulas. It’s a roller coaster with various exit ramps.

I like theme parks. The fastest roller coaster I've ever been on is at a casino in Nevada.

It's not beyond me to take my kids to see a good popcorn movie that's a roller coaster ride.

If my life were a song it would probably be titled 'Roller Coaster', up and down all the time.

I've said this before, and I'll say this again: NXT is like a rock concert, roller coaster ride.

AOL was a roller coaster ride. I was lucky and privileged to be a part of it, both the ups and the downs.

I hate the feeling of falling - I'll never jump from a plane - but I love a good roller coaster. Go figure!

The thing about grief is that it's a roller coaster - it's up, it's down. The emotions sometimes take over.

It's kinda like being on a roller coaster. If you don't get on the ride, you won't experience the adventure.

When I was a kid I got no respect. When I went on the roller coaster, my old man told me to stand up straight.

Life is a roller coaster. There are ups; there are downs. There are hills; there are valleys, peaks, and so on.

It may seem like I've gone from one show to the next, but it's been a roller coaster. I've had my share of lows.

Love is like a roller coaster. When it's good, you don't want to stop and when it's not... you want to throw up.

My life has been a roller coaster ride, but somehow I've always been able to land on my feet and still play the guitar.

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