My secrets are petty but humiliating.

We are bound by the secrets we share.

Eating is the secret to good cooking.

The best secrets are the most twisted

Earth has few secrets from the birds.

Moderation is the secret of survival.

The secret to my success is practice!

Secrets of the heart are seldom news.

Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.

Things forbidden have a secret charm.

The secret of loving is living loved.

sharing is the secret of civilization.

Secrecy is the chastity of friendship.

The secret of life is to have no fear.

The secret of my success is longevity.

Any good movie is filled with secrets.

A secret is powerful when it is empty.

We don't want to keep secrets anymore.

My beauty secret is absolutely no sun.

"The Secret" is the law of attraction.

Hell's Bells ringing, my secret music.

Be teachable. That is the whole secret.

It always hurts when you lose a secret.

The taint of arrogance will I not know.

Lingerie is that inner, secret glamour.

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

...oneness is the secret to everything.

Concentration is the secret of srength.

Victoria's Secret is like a big family.

That's my secret Cap: I'm always angry.

When I get married, it'll be no secret.

The secret of losing weight is patience.

In the wave lies the secret of creation.

The secret to success is to be yourself.

The secret of happiness is renunciation.

Our inventions mirror our secret wishes.

There's always another secret.' -Kelsier

This is love: to fly toward a secret sky

Time is the best kept secret of the rich.

A secret society within a secret society.

I guess I could have a couple of secrets.

The secret of a great melody is a secret.

Secret thinker sometimes listening aloud.

I value my ability to keep state secrets.

The real secret of success is enthusiasm.

The words secret and sacred are siblings.

Victoria's got her secrets. Hey, so do I!

You cannot be a secret and be profitable.

The Bureau doesn't have any secret files.

He won't hurt me. I have a secret weapon.

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