Shirley! Don't call me Shirley!

I love Judy Garland, Shirley Bassey.

I love Shirley Maclaine. Love that woman.

You only live once, except for Shirley MacLaine.

Shirley Temple opens doors for Shirley Temple Black.

Growing up, I watched a lot of Shirley Temple movies.

Shirley Sherrod seems like a good and dedicated person.

My style icons are Leigh Lezark, Gwen Stefani and Shirley Manson.

No, I'm not Shirley the girl, I'm the woman on MTV with the big boots.

Shirley Temple had charisma as a child. But it cleared up as an adult.

I have such a crush on Shirley Manson. I think she's the coolest thing.

I remember watching 'I Love Lucy' from an early age, 'Laverne & Shirley.'

I like more grounded comedy. I enjoy broad comedies also, but I like Shirley MacLaine.

Some of my earliest heroes were congresswomen like Shirley Chisholm and Barbara Jordan.

When actress Shirley Maclaine arrived 30 minutes late for a class, I asked her to leave.

I'd like them to say that Shirley Chisholm had guts. That's how I'd like to be remembered.

Acting is the most minor of gifts. After all, Shirley Temple could do it when she was four.

If you're a fan of Shirley MacLaine just like I am, I'd kinda go anywhere to work with her.

Shirley Jackson's writings are a must for aficionados of the gothic and of good literature.

I found that I could make people laugh doing people like Shirley Bassey. Fortunately it worked.

Being in the same scenes as Maggie Smith and Shirley MacLaine is something I will never forget.

My style icons were Gwen Stefani, when she was in No Doubt, and then Shirley Manson in Garbage.

They used to photograph Shirley Temple through gauze. They should photograph me through linoleum.

Every actor tries to come to Broadway be it Richard Burton, Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor or Shirley McClain.

Shirley MacLaine once said that she didn't want to be a big star, just a long star. That's what I want too.

Shirley Valentine is a beautiful character and so well written. What Shirley speaks and thinks is so logical.

Breitbart media is named after the same gentleman who basically framed Shirley Sherrod during the Obama administration.

There's a tendency to think tap's had its day, but 'Happy Feet' kept us in the race. That penguin is our Shirley Temple.

I kind of did this thing in high school, a spoof of 'Sweeney Todd' called 'Shirley Todd,' and I had a great time doing that.

I absolutely love Shirley Temples. I don't know why, but ever since I was young, it's always been my favorite thing to drink!

Shirley Temple doesn't hurt Shirley Temple Black. Shirley Temple helps Shirley Temple Black. She is thought of as a friend - which I am!

We had - there was 'Laverne and Shirley,' but 'Happy Days' started off the evening, and then, you know, we just sort of swam along with them.

The horror genre is vast and full of brilliance. Stephen King, Shirley Jackson, Herman Melville, the book of Esther. I'll happily join that list.

The great children's author and illustrator Shirley Hughes marks her 90th birthday by appearing as Michael Berkeley's guest in 'Private Passions'.

Shirley MacLaine said, You're so funny, then gave me a hug. Everything went white. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see. I thought I was going to pass out.

I'd seen how 'Green Book' had been a box-office hit, but left pianist Don Shirley's family feeling betrayed because his life and relationships had been distorted.

I love a good Roy Rogers or Shirley Temple, and I had to give those up. And Philly cheesesteaks. I love Philly cheesesteaks, and now they really aren't around anymore.

There's been periods of broadcasts in the past where you could see all ages of entertainers, ranging from George Burns to Shirley Temple. That's not the condition now.

My favorite diva is Dame Shirley Bassey from the U.K. I just love that every song she sings becomes crazy and intense with feeling. That's how I feel in my daily life.

I remember feeling enormous pressure because I didn't want to be Shirley Temple. Shirley Temple was Shirley Temple, and I didn't ever feel like I could live up to that.

Even though Laverne and Shirley were always, like, submitting themselves for medical testing and falling asleep on a date or whatever, they always had each other's back.

The thing people forget about Kevin Shirley a lot of the time is that he's not only a great producer, he's also a world-class engineer. He really knows how to get a sound.

My father's very public life as Famous Amos was the opposite of that of his ex-wife, my mother Shirley, who was fighting a very private, solitary battle with mental illness.

One of my first favorite records was the debut Garbage album, which I heard when I was very young. Shirley Manson is a great female vocalist and performer and I admire her for that.

I've been a fan of vampire fiction since way, way back - I loved Stephen King, Anne Rice, Peter Straub, Robert McCammon, Shirley Jackson, lots of great horror and paranormal fiction.

I've written songs for Shirley Bassey, Marianne Faithfull, and Linda Thompson. I sort of focus on these wonderful, aging divas. But maybe that's because I think I'm Christina Aguilera.

On Twitter one lady said, I've seen corpses that look better than Shirley.' I saw the picture she was talking about that Comic Relief had posted and I thought, Well yeah, she's got a point.'

I've been a huge fan of Quvenzhane Wallis since 'Beasts of the Southern Wild.' To me, she's our Shirley Temple, a phenomenal talent, and I wanted to work with her as soon as I saw that movie.

You're a sitting duck in a mall if you're a celebrity. It's like that scene from 'Guarding Tess,' I think it is, where Shirley MacLaine goes to the mall just to feel good about her celebrity.

Manchester was a fantastic place to go out in. There were 10 clubs with world-class cabaret and comedians. You'd go in and Tom Jones might be singing, or Shirley Bassey or Engelbert Humperdinck.

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