The world is becoming smaller every day.

Toronto is like a smaller, safe New York.

I was one of the smaller kids growing up.

Many dinosaurs were smaller than chickens.

The smaller the head, the bigger the dream.

I'm a smaller guy, so I train at a high pace.

The smaller the mind the greater the conceit.

The world map looks smaller than ever before.

The higher the voice the smaller the intellect.

I'm a big fan of seeing smaller guys vs. big men.

Future companies will be smaller and more nimble.

The world is getting smaller thanks to technology.

I would like to do maybe a smaller romantic comedy.

With electronics, they just get smaller and smaller.

I love to play smaller crowds with the Rhythm Kings.

It's hard being on a new network, a smaller network.

The film world feels like a smaller world than music.

The smaller the function, the greater the management.

Smaller wrestlers are built for more exciting matches.

Ballet is incestuous. This world is smaller than small.

The longer we were in it, the smaller it seemed to get.

CTE can be caused by smaller hits to the head over time.

A smaller waist is not the solution to all your problems.

I do better in life when my world seems a little smaller.

They do say, the smaller the feet, the better the dancer.

I do sort of gravitate towards smaller, indie-type movies.

Maybe because she's smaller than me she might look taller.

As long as we can make them smaller, we can make them faster.

Smaller groups of people can establish trusting relationships.

So, you need to balance it out with bigger and smaller movies.

Smaller markets teams, when you hit bottom, you hit with a thud.

I don't want to lose my accent, I just want it to become smaller.

I don't think smaller guys usually bother me on my shot too much.

The Stones always tried to do the odd smaller gig when they could.

For my bikinis, the smaller the better. That's how I've always been.

I'm lucky that I get to do the bigger movies and the smaller movies.

I tend to really duck down and make myself smaller than I already am.

But there's still an avenue for smaller comics and personal expression.

I definitely feel the pressure to lose weight and be smaller than I am.

I like walking into a smaller hotel where the desk clerk recognizes me.

Even in large corporations, smaller ideas may not get enough resources.

As the Navy gets smaller, the world's oceans are becoming more dangerous.

Some of the best roles are for women in these independent, smaller movies.

I guess there are some women who like older men, but it's a smaller group.

More debt interest, higher taxes, a smaller GDP. That is the Liberal plan.

With the advent of technology the world has surely become a smaller place.

Hyperloop One wants to make the world one, wants to make the world smaller.

Gambling has brought our family together. We had to move to a smaller house.

I have a saying: I try to make the world smaller by making the party bigger.

I want a smaller government, yes, but I want a government that will be fair.

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