Have pity on a dinosaur.

I've always loved dinosaurs.

I have no patience with dinosaurs.

I was gaga about dinosaurs as a kid.

Many dinosaurs were smaller than chickens.

I've loved dinosaurs since I was teeny tiny.

Zombies are eternal. They're like dinosaurs.

I mean, in rock music terms I'm like a dinosaur.

Children have a great urge to learn about dinosaurs.

The evidence is overwhelming that birds are dinosaurs.

Observation: I can't see a thing. Conclusion: Dinosaurs.

Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a bad day.

I grew up playing with dinosaurs instead of Barbie dolls.

Jazz is not gonna be a dinosaur and stay around in one form.

We all have a dinosaur deep within us just trying to get out.

Christians are a lot like dinosaurs - about to become extinct.

The dinosaurs invented Jesus to test our confidence in science.

We have been called old rockers, rock pensioners, and dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming. What's our excuse?

Kids go through a stage where they love dinosaurs - boy or girl.

Britain's most useful role is somewhere between bee and dinosaur.

In 1941 Richard Owen said that the dinosaurs were almost hot blooded.

The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program.

We can be the new brand of self-extincting dinosaurs or we can evolve.

Most people looking for dinosaurs are looking for beautiful skeletons.

I've gone back in time to when dinosaurs weren't just confined to zoos.

It was the bumble bee and the butterfly who survived, not the dinosaur.

Boys like either dinosaurs or airplanes. I was very much an airplane boy.

You know what killed off the dinosaurs, Whateley? We did. In one barbecue.

Copyright law is a dinosaur, ill-suited for the landscape of today's media.

Never since we discovered there were dinosaurs did anyone get sick of them.

Writing is a matter of finding the appropriate balance of dinosaurs and sodomy

There's something about dinosaurs that should be very humbling to human beings.

Movies will finally reflect the world we live in, not some weird dinosaur reality.

Dinosaurs are the best way to teach kids, and adults, the immensity of geologic time.

I loved dinosaurs, I loved space, and I thought maybe I'd be the first paleo-astronaut.

Dinosaurs did not walk with humans. The evolutionary record says different. They gambled.

I just couldn't do a comedy show about 'The History Of Dinosaurs;' I'd get bored too easily.

The big-business mergers and the big-labour mergers have the appearance of dinosaurs mating.

The dinosaurs are remember only by their bones. What will we be remembered for with humanity?

Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?

The difference between the dinosaurs and us is that we have a space program and we can vote...

Russia is like a dinosaur. A lot of time is needed for change to reach the tail from the head.

I'm trying to figure out the biology of dinosaurs and what they were like as living creatures.

Give a talk to children and tell them dinosaurs didn't drag their tails, and you get arguments.

No amount of study of present forms [of life] would permit us to infer [the existence of] dinosaurs

The Big Five publishing companies are dinosaurs trying to survive in a post-meteor world. They won't.

I believe implicitly that every young man in the world is fascinated with either sharks or dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs grew feathers for heat regulation, but the ones that started flying started becoming birds.

Dinosaurs may be extinct from the face of the planet, but they are alive and well in our imaginations.

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