I suck at titles.

I suck at sleeping.

Always be yourself... unless you suck.

Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck.

Anything you can suck at should make you nervous.

Who bothers to cook TV dinners? I suck them frozen.

If I'm super scared or sick, I'll still suck my thumb.

Beware the tyranny of the weak. They just suck you dry.

I'm the greatest rock and roll drummer on the planet and you suck.

If we say, 'The government sucks,' we're kind of saying that we suck.

I couldn't be a Taylor Swift. I would really suck at being Taylor Swift.

Having people remember something that you did 25 years ago doesn't suck.

I'm an energy vampire. I just suck off everybody's energy. But I give it back.

I have never grown out of the infantile belief that the universe was made for me to suck.

We'd have to suck away at oxygen canisters between songs just so that we could keep playing.

Sometimes, life is unfair, and you have to suck it up and move on and not use it as an excuse.

Well, you know, writers just suck up new experiences - we're just like the vacuum cleaners of newness.

I don't really watch TV series because I don't want to get hooked on them and have them suck up all my time.

Learning how to rap actually improved my English, because it forced me to talk fast, and I used to suck at that.

Your connections might get you in the door, but it won't keep you there. And if you haven't prepared, you'll suck.

The best thing about being rich is the freedom; freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want. It doesn't suck.

Look at the Prius. It's a nerd car. Yeah, you're being environmentally friendly, but your dating life is gonna suck.

If I'd won every single race and got pole everywhere, that would just be boring. It would suck. Where's the fun in that?

I know when I wear a Led Zeppelin shirt, I am happy to put that Led Zeppelin shirt on. It's not, 'Well, they kind of suck.'

That's the amazing thing about music: there's a song for every emotion. Can you imagine a world with no music? It would suck.

Tonight I'll dust myself off, tonight I'll suck my gut in, I'll face the night and I'll pretend I got something to believe in.

All through my life, I was hated on. When I was in middle school, they used to write in my rhyme book, 'You suck' or 'This sucks.'

Most movies suck, even the independent ones. Hollywood is like baseball: Hit three good ones out of 10 and you're a Hall of Famer.

There's always gonna be setbacks; there's always gonna be knockdowns. There's always gonna be people telling you, 'Hey, you suck!'

I'm a big Knicks fan, and I will tell a professional basketball player that they suck because they didn't do what I wanted them to do.

Kids don't know about best sellers. They go for what they enjoy. They aren't star chasers and they don't suck up. It's why I like them.

I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartanlike as to put to rout all that was not life.

All these non-singing, non-dancing, wish-I-had-me-some-clothes fools who tell me my albums suck. Why should I pay any attention to them?

The words come from here. From memories, from dreams, from people I've known. I'm always writing and reflecting on life. I want to suck it all in.

On the red carpet, one tip is to suck in your cheekbones - apparently it looks better on camera. I don't know, though; I think a nice smile is best.

As far as children out there that hate their moms and dads, just get over it, because you get one dad and one mom. You know, suck it up. Learn something.

One of the big songwriting things for me has always been: always think what you do sucks. Because the second you stop believing that, you suck. And that's a fact.

I'm a big girl, but I have a delicate constitution emotionally. If I've been humiliated in some audition, I just cry all the way home and think, 'Oh my God, I suck.'

We all want to live forever, but we don't want to suck blood to do it, right? I think people like to have these deep moral questions that don't come up in real life.

Fame is definitely a monster: it can suck you in and spit you out and change you. The biggest challenge is to remain yourself regardless of what people say about you.

I have enormous respect for Steve Johnson, and as I've told him, Feed was one of the inspirations for Salon. They were up there before we were. And also for Joey and the Suck people.

Every album, I'm worried that I'm a dork and a fraud - 'What if I can't sing anymore?' Then I stop thinking and start playing guitar, and I realize that it's okay to suck, and move forward.

But then I go through long periods where I don't listen to things, usually when I'm working. In between the records and in between the writing I suck up books and music and movies and anything I can find.

Bjork was so good to me. She's very independent and she doesn't suck your energy. She lets you be you. She's a free spirit so she knows how to be with a free spirit. That's the only sort of woman I could see myself staying with.

I've done everything from stocking shelves at a natural food co-op, to baking bagels at Brueggers and bussing tables. Then I realized that jobs suck, but if you could get up at 6 A.M. and bake your own breakfast, that is very satisfying.

I believe that, artistically and culturally, the free radio air should be able to support local artists of whatever genre. Play 40 percent of your local artists; don't suck up to major labels to the point where you neglect your own locale.

I've had a lot of voices tell me what I should be making. Personally, I would much rather live and die by my own hand. If my stuff sucks, then at least I made it suck. I didn't allow some person, some old dude in a suit, to make it suck for me.

I'm really critical of my posture, it makes a big difference. And I try to suck my belly in. Everyone should do that whether you're on a red carpet or not. Even if you're just going out to dinner with your boyfriend you should try and suck it in.

What you and I understand as a government doesn't exist in many African countries. In fact, what we call our governments are vampire states. Vampires because they suck the economic vitality out of their people. Government is the problem in Africa.

Maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep, well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worst day of your life, but you know, there's no escape, there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice.

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