Tabloid stuff just offends.

Tabloid news is tabloid news.

I refuse to discuss tabloid rumors.

My life reads more like Proust than a tabloid.

It's so disappointing that I've become a tabloid story.

My father was a journalist. He used to write for 'Blitz' tabloid.

Tabloid newspapers are very rich and hold huge funds to fight claims.

America wants solutions. America wants a leader. No more tabloid politics.

These tabloid magazines - I think they're hideous and the downfall of society.

There's no way that any tabloid can survive if it doesn't get women to read it.

A lot of the themes of my movies, the actual stories, come from tabloid stories.

It can be difficult navigating the line between tabloid gossip and authenticity.

There's a lot of people who feel there's a tabloid journalist who had it coming.

Well, I mean, the real attack on truth is tabloid journalism in the United States.

I hate that tabloid idea of anybody who is famous having to forfeit their privacy.

For some people, an event happens and they are thrown into a tabloid feeding ground.

My career suffered massively because I had a reputation for being a very tabloid person.

It's that invasive and puerile curiosity to feed a tabloid culture. I don't subscribe to it.

I don't really mind playing tabloid monster. I always liked those characters in the old movies.

What stars do in their off-hours is a never-ending source of diddling curiosity to the tabloid sensibility.

You will never have enough space in a tabloid paper to compete with the 'New York Times' on foreign coverage.

Purchasing a story in order to bury it is a practice that many in the tabloid industry call 'catch and kill.'

My whole goal was to be able to work in television and film and maintain a normal life, never be in a tabloid.

We've all seen the media endlessly focus on the personal lives of celebrities. Most of it is gossip and tabloid fodder.

When I worked for the BBC, what I was paid to do 'House Party' was all over the tabloid press, there was no privacy there.

A lot of stories that have fascinated me are tabloid stories that have come from other newspapers, like 'The New York Times.'

If a stranger is writing something completely fictitious, or insulting me on a blog or a tabloid, I don't take it personally.

The friends of tabloid newspapers often point out that their journalism exists only because millions of people pay money to read it.

Tabloid photos capture people at their most self-conscious and disoriented; in real life, Paris Hilton is like an elegant paper crane.

In the U.K., journalists are a little bit more ruthless than in Denmark. I have a feeling the tabloid press in the U.K. is pretty harsh.

It's like tabloid news programs that talk about how horrible something is, while at the same time they're glorifying it as their top story.

When you grow up with parents that are known worldwide and having so much attention from media and all of the tabloid magazines, it's really tough.

First of all, tabloid stories are some of the richest and most important stories that we have. There's nothing wrong, per se, with tabloid stories.

The world when I was 13 wasn't truly driven by tabloid magazines and social media and reality shows. I was able to have a little more of a private life.

Yeah, Wacko Jacko, where did that come from? Some English tabloid. I have a heart and I have feelings. I feel that when you do that to me. It's not nice.

I think if you had to choose between running a tabloid and being president of the United States, of course you'd run the tabloid, especially in New York.

I think you have a lot of rich and Conservative people who control our country who are racist and their views trickle down through things like tabloid papers.

Being in the public eye, I have certainly gone through the tabloid situation where they come out with stories that are not true. I don't read or pay attention to it.

I don't think anyone likes to see a picture of themselves in a tabloid, besides a couple people who I'm not going to mention. I'm definitely not one of those people.

Only the pun remains. The pun, beloved of Shakespeare, children and tabloid headline-writers, is normally eschewed in the modern, sophisticated circles in which I move.

Some talk shows have become so exploitive and tabloid, I wonder if I can believe some of their guests. Where do they find these guests, and why do they deserve air time?

As great as it is, 'Vogue' won't change a designer's business. But if an unknown brand is worn by a certain person in a tabloid, it will be the biggest designer within a week.

We're still in the ditch, and the Gennifer Flowers story about Bill Clinton says it all. A tabloid fired several bullets into the air, and the rest of the herd began to stampede.

It's tabloid. It's 24/7 news - people get in the middle of a news cycle for 24 hours off of things that previously would never have gotten the kind of coverage that is happening.

I've come up in the scripted world, and I have wished there were more time slots for us to tell compelling scripted stories and not fill the airwaves with a lot of fluff and tabloid entertainment.

It was at the beginning of all this tabloid frenzy. Our garbage was being gone through, and we were involved in all these chases getting home, and people camping out on our property to get pictures.

Well, honestly, both my husband and I tend to ignore the tabloids. We see them every once in awhile or it comes to our attention that we are in a tabloid for one reason or another. But it's always false.

A lot of the tabloid stories are written so well, they're very clever and very funny. But you have to focus on what's really important and not read them - don't dive into it and don't get caught up in it.

Because when you go out, and you have fun, basically you're performing for these tabloid outlets and the paparazzi. And when you perform and create this story, they're chuffed - they get excited, they capture it, and they put it out.

I could take all the cartoons in the tabloid newspapers, but I couldn't take my daughter punching me in the belly and asking why I was so fat. That was my inspiration to lose the weight. And probably the last time anyone hurt my feelings.

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