I do realize that television shows end.

Ninety-nine percent of television shows, I've never seen.

I just don't think you can lump television shows together.

I've appeared on a weekly syndicated television show since 1980

It's not enough just to put great television shows out anymore.

I think 'Eastbound & Down' is one of the great television shows, ever.

One of my very favorite television shows growing up was 'The Prisoner.'

We need Hollywood to make movies and television shows about sexy female engineers.

In Beverly Hills... they don't throw their garbage away. They make it into television shows.

Television shows and movies that are all white, I can't watch them. They totally alienate me.

Unlike productions in the other arts, all television shows are born to destroy two other shows.

I did 125 films, and over 100 television shows, and you've never seen the same character twice.

For the most part, Hollywood is very transactional. People want to make movies and television shows.

People don't really see television shows and movies as different anymore. They expect the same quality.

I'm not a celebrity chef. I'm a chef that happens to have television shows and a chef that happens to do media.

I worked on 'Game Of Thrones' for six years, so I'm very well equipped to handle hype surrounding television shows.

I auditioned for everything. It was daily, relentless. Independent films, chewing gum commercials, television shows.

I did three television shows in Poughkeepsie in one day, with Adrian Adonis and The Iron Sheik. They gave us no food.

I don't know if I'm going to be a manager forever. I don't know if I'm going to be producing films or television shows.

I feel like it's extremely rare to find a female who's bisexual and not either lesbian or straight on television shows.

When I can't sleep, I'll start thinking about how many shows I've done, count up the number of television shows and movies.

I was in Los Angeles in 1968, and I was fortunate enough to be a writer on 'Laugh-In' and a couple of other television shows.

It's become impossible to enjoy most quality television shows because the hurt or endangered women device is so frequently used.

I think modern television shows, with their intricate plots, are stimulating our minds. This is one reason IQs have been going up.

I was almost as famous at Indiana for my television shows as I was my coaching. That's kind of embarrassing when you think about it.

I feel like sometimes people on television shows can start taking things for granted, or they don't want to be here or something like that.

I studied film scoring and orchestration and conducting and arranging in my twenties, and I scored a lot of television shows and other things.

The way Hollywood and TV is, black people don't have any choice but to see ourselves in white-dominated television shows and stories and movies.

'Doctor Who' is the most original science-fiction television series ever made. It is also one of the longest-running television shows of all time.

The reality television shows are a big hit with the masses with their Bollywood songs. Even if these TV shows are scripted, people are watching them.

I've never understood the cult of Hitchcock. Particularly the late American movies... Egotism and laziness. And they're all lit like television shows.

I've been a fan of Loretta Devine's, since I was a kid, from 'Waiting To Exhale,' and she's been in so many of my favorite movies and television shows.

I don't want to name any names, but I've worked on television shows where there's a guy writing for my generation who's, like, 60 - and it doesn't work.

We have characters in Western television shows who are in full health with shiny hair and shiny teeth, and they go about their lives having minor problems.

It's a blessing to be a part of television shows that were, to a certain extent, staples in a lot of people's lives and as far as their entertainment lives.

Thank goodness I started getting movie roles and then television shows came along. So I was very fortunate to be able to do all three and I like all of them.

First and foremost, I'm a decorator and product designer. Everything I do, the television shows, the books, that comes from the design work. It's what I love.

I really like doing television shows, and I anticipated doing a comedy, because that's the place I feel the most comfortable - those are the risks I want to take.

'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' I did an episode on, and that's one of my favorite television shows ever, and there are these shows that I watch so regularly.

'Fringe' is one of my favorite television shows, from its inception. I absolutely love all of the science fiction of it, the mystery of it, and the science in it.

I would like to host a show, something like travel or cooking or something like that, something I'm really interested in, and so I'm pitching a couple television shows.

While the notion that torture works has been glorified in television shows and movies, the simple truth is this: torture has never been an effective interrogation method.

I've done great theatre, great films and had a lot of opportunities in television. I also love to sing, and I've been able to do that once or twice in the television shows.

I hope to be making television shows and films, and creating content that captivates Latinos. I try not to think about it too much, though. I'm more focused in the present.

Internet mailing lists are like Fox television shows. They have really cool previews, and they get you all excited about them, but they just don't live up to their promises.

Since writing JAWS, I've been lucky enough to do close to forty television shows about wildlife in the oceans, and yes, I have been attacked by sea creatures once in a while.

When you watch television shows, as good as they are, like 'Joan of Arcadia' and 'Touched by an Angel,' everything is this kind of mishmash of faith but not any specific religion.

I think it's not uncommon for new television shows to spend certainly the first year, but without a doubt, like, the first eight or ten episodes, kind of figuring out what the show is.

In this business, there is an insane amount of pressure, spoken and unspoken, to be thin. If you look at some of the television shows, eating disorders become like a competitive thing.

We met and married when both of us knew exactly what our jobs were. He was only 32, but he'd been all over the place. I'd been working on films and television shows all over the world.

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