Eddie Marlin was a big deal for a long time to a lot of people.

Sometimes you meet people and you feel like you've known them for a long time.

The 'Islam vs. the West' dialogue ceased to be about real people a long time ago.

Because I've been around a long time I get a bit of leeway that other people don't.

I've spent a long time giving people the benefit of the doubt, and I'm tired of it.

Very, very few people actually have long stretches of uninterrupted time at an office.

People have been upset about the tenor and discord in Washington for a really long time.

I think for such a long time people had this misconception of who I was and what I was about.

For a long time, the paranormal was a legitimate area of explanation for quite a lot of people.

A President doesn't have a terribly long time to talk to people who are not really on the agenda.

People say, 'How can you stay in a play for a long time?' I say, 'The audience is never the same.'

I have a lot of admiration for people who've been in relationships a long time, married for years.

For a long time, I've struggled very, very much with what people call treatment-resistant depression.

For a long time a lot of people thought New Orleans wasn't a safe place and that it was very ratchet.

People shouting abuse has happened for a very long time, and I find it kind of amusing and irrelevant.

Peter Beard is one of those people I've known a long time. We have an affinity. We share certain values.

During a long career in TV broadcasting, I spent a lot of time contributing to other people's creations.

I want to do this for a long time; I want people to be saying, 'What is he doing still playing in clubs?'

People who say spring training's too long, I absolutely disagree. I think it's the perfect length of time.

A big diamond necklace is nouveau riche, really. People who have wealth a long time don't wear such things.

I find it very hard to approach people. I take a very long time to open up and become friends with someone.

Lots of people said that I have been a comic actor for such a long time, but as a director I was very serious.

People got to know us from hearing us live because there wasn't much publicity or radio airplay for a long time.

I want to be associated with content and characters that will be embedded in the hearts and minds of people for a long time.

I truly felt like I was a Division I quarterback, and I'd felt that way for a long time. I just wanted other people to see it.

For a long time trans people have always been a joke. Our reputation has always been the bottom of the barrel and it's not fair.

When people ask for time, it's always for time to say no. Yes has one more letter in it, but it doesn't take half as long to say.

I was that ginger kid who always wanted people to like him. It's hard, and you've got a big chip on your shoulder for a long time.

The one thing people don't appreciate, I think, is that central banking is not a new development. It's been around for a very long time.

I was playing violin for a long time, about 6 years. It takes a while. You need very patient people in your house when you have a violin.

For a long time, I was almost ashamed of being an actress. I felt like it was a shallow occupation. People would be watching my every move.

I came to terms with not fitting in a long time ago. I never really fitted in. I don't want to fit in. And now people are buying into that.

Until we can get people who are willing to play for West Indies in the right way, I think that we're going to be struggling for a long time.

Yeah, well I've had a record deal for a long time so I'm kinda used to the cameras and the people, I'm used to dealing with peoples' opinions.

I think people who watch 'Top Gear' think they're the only ones watching it, which I quite like, because it can hopefully last for a long time.

People should realize that I shot a Coke commercial back in 1986. So, you know, I've been around a long time. I carry my Screen Actors Guild Card.

A long time ago, when Korea was having a hard time, the Philippines came to Korea and helped the Korean people. We're very thankful, as a country.

People think that because I was at Liverpool for such a long time - in a period where the club was very successful - that it was bliss all the way.

People have had the idea to do a '90s alternative tour for a long time. I didn't come up with that; I was the first guy to basically say it was time.

Schools must stop being holding pens to keep energetic young people off the job market and off the streets. We stretch puberty out a long, long time.

A long time ago a bunch of people reached a general consensus as to what's real and what's not and most of us have been going along with it ever since.

Just watching TV as a kid, for a long time I thought, as a young kid, obviously when I was, like, 4 or 5, I thought that people lived in the television.

It's amazing that people still feel, 'Oh my gosh, it's a black guy.' We've been here for a long time; let's get used to it. Let's get used to other cultures.

People tend to forget about nuclear weapons. We think they are going to remain in silos for the rest of time. As long as they exist, they are going to be used.

I've studied authoritarianism for a very long time - for 40 years - and they're started by people's attempts to control the ideological and linguistic territory.

A lot of people say I've got an old head on young shoulders and I think that's because I'd been around boxing for a long time before I actually started doing it.

I don't think many people have ever read the report. Who has read 26 volumes of this case? How many read the summary? If you read the summary, it takes a long time.

The idea of a national digital library has been in the air for a long time, and there was a danger that some people would feel that it's their property, so to speak.

I saw what Purple meant to people and I still hear it now when I'm in Europe. I'm always shocked that I'm still asked about Purple because it was such a long time ago.

I'm sure you're used to hearing that when people get to Long Island for the first time, it's a bit of a shock to the system. But I found Long Island people very endearing.

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