The main thing experience has taught me is that one has to sort of hone their relationship to time, you know.

I've never been Romeo who meets a girl and falls for her immediately. It's been a much slower process for me each time I've gone into a relationship.

I am not looking for a relationship right now. I have no interest in putting my time or effort into another person, nor do I need another person to put energy into me, OK? Because that's what granola bars are for.

I started on 'Saturday Night Live' the same time Conan started on Late Night. We just had a relationship because I would be upstairs in the studio and whenever he couldn't get a guest - which was often back then since he was just starting out - he would just call me down to be a guest.

There's never been a game plan, and I suppose I've had an uneasy relationship with my ambition. Someone who had been in my year at drama school once said to me that I was terrifyingly ambitious back then. Which was not at all what I felt at the time - I felt paralysed with shyness, though that evaporated.

When I was younger, the idea of the bad boy was appealing, but then I grew up and realized that stable people are more fulfilling. Bad boys need more time to themselves. I want to be in a relationship with someone who knows how to take care of himself and is therefore able to take care of me. That way, we can put each other first.

I wrote a screenplay for 'The Witches,' which Alfonso Cuaron was producing, but we couldn't get it made! The studio just wouldn't greenlight that movie. It's my favorite Roald Dahl book, 'The Witches,' because I grew up with my grandmother a lot of the time, and the relationship between the boy and the grandmother speaks volumes to me.

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