I hate sequels.

Sequels are hard.

Sequels are desperate.

Sequels are always tricky.

As we all know, sequels can be tricky.

There would be no sequel to the sadness

A natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.

And one thing Hollywood does well is sequels.

Women want to be treated as equals, not sequels.

Friendship is not always the sequel of obligation.

'Evil Dead 1' was never supposed to have a sequel.

I tire of franchises, remakes, and endless sequels.

I have an allergy to sequels and remakes in general.

I hope there are 10 sequels to the 'Guardians' movie!

I never actually plan sequels. They demand to be done.

I'm not contractually obligated to sequels on anything.

Great success breeds a lot of things, including sequels.

I hate sequels. They're never as good as the first book.

I am a fan of sequels even though they are inevitably awful.

With a sequel you're always trying to get bigger and better.

To do a sequel is so weird, you don't really think about it.

I always like to make sequels. It's a nice business to be in.

I will never write a sequel to anything that I will ever write.

I suppose sequels are inevitable for a writer of a certain age.

Believe me, sequels are just as hard to make as original films.

My experience is that sequels are rarely as good as the originals.

I didn't direct any of the 'Saw' sequels, but people thought I did.

I've always avoided sequels, unless I felt there was something fresh.

Sequels to most movies are always fluff and not as good as the first.

Sequels face the risk of being constantly compared to the first film.

There's nothing wrong with doing sequels, they're just easier to sell.

In 'Scream 2', they have this discussion about how sequels always suck.

We all approached doing a sequel with great trepidation and skepticism.

After 'Pitch Perfect,' I only want to be in sequels. No. 2 of whatever.

There's nothing worse than the sequel that's a letdown from the first movie.

We express our being by creating. Creativity is a necessary sequel to being.

I don't like sequels at all. If the movie's good the first time, why bother?

I hate the idea of sequels. I think you should be able to do it in one book.

When you do films that have multiple sequels, you develop a character for a film.

Large like the Beatles, ask all my peoples, never make movies, so don't talk sequels.

There are so many sequels where everything between the special effects is just boring.

In my opinion, where comedy sequels tend to go bad is that they get sillier and lighter.

I've always made sequels, even when I was making Super 8 movies if the audience liked it.

But, George and Steven asked me to write the Indiana Jones sequels, and I didn't want to.

I was concerned about doing a sequel and repeating myself. That was before I read the script.

A lot of the time, the scripts you get to read are remakes or reboots or sequels or prequels.

George Lazenby was ill-equipped. It's not for nothing that they didn't offer him any sequels.

Like a lot of people, for a long time I thought that the road to hell is paved with bad sequels.

I don't know if I'm a sequels kind of person. I prefer each film to have its own unique identity.

There are expectations with sequels, and people want them to be bigger and better than the prequel.

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