Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed - there's so ...

Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed - there's so little competition.

If you want your checkbook to follow your heart, make a donation to those doing work you support.

It's hard when you read an article saying bad things about you. It is as if someone is sticking a knife on your heart. But I am the harshest critic of my work.

If you've ever been around a group of actors, you've noticed, no doubt, that they can talk of nothing else under the sun but acting. It's exactly the same way with baseball players. Your heart must be in your work.

If someone said, 'Jon, we need $250 million a year from now and we can make a dramatic breakthrough for ovarian cancer,' I'd have $250 million in two months. You just work day and night if the cause in your heart is justified.

When I go to the gym I never do cardio, it doesn't really work for me. It makes you fitter and it makes your stamina better, so it's better for your heart, but for me weights and resistance training is what sculpts your body so I do that.

When you ride fast and then rest for a bit, it causes a spike in your heart rate and helps your body deal with lactic acid. But you don't need to make it too complicated. Yorkshire is perfect because the hills work as intervals - you ride up them hard and then recover before the next one. Or you can just sprint to the next tree or lamppost.

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