I find cardio hard.

Cardio is the devil.

I always have great cardio.

Cardio's not really my deal.

I get a little bit of cardio.

I like to do a lot of cardio.

If I do cardio I'll disappear.

I never really enjoyed cardio.

For cardio, I run every Sunday.

I do cardio once in the morning or evening.

I exercise at home - light cardio and yoga.

I do a mix of exercises - cardio, gym, yoga.

I just eat half portions, do cardio every day.

I like to mix cardio with bodyweight exercises.

My workouts always start with doing some cardio.

I enjoy lifting weights, but I hate doing cardio.

I've always liked to do cardio, which is so weird.

I've obviously got the brains. I've got the cardio.

My mum and I do cardio kickboxing classes together.

I like doing weights and cardio and some jump rope.

I spend time doing cardio because it makes me feel good.

When it comes to cardio, we know I don't have a problem.

I'm a huge fan of dance cardio because it goes by really quick.

I do cardio, but I don't like it as much. I'd rather do weights.

Cardio is boring for me, so running outside helps to keep me going.

Every fighter has their own type of cardio workout they like to do.

I think most people don't need as much cardio as they think they do.

I like to do at least 15 minutes of cardio every day if I can fit it in.

I was a cardio bunny and spent hours in the gym a day working up a sweat.

Cardio is king. This is how you make sure you don't wear out in the fight.

I love 'Yoga With Adriene' videos on YouTube, cardio hip-hop, and kickboxing.

I'm all about cardio and high-intensity music... Anything with music, really.

I don't care how much weight's on there. If you're doing 40 reps, that's cardio!

Both cardio and resistance training are essential for looking and feeling great.

Most gyms now have TVs. You can prop up reading material on the cardio equipment.

On weekends, I'm chasing my six-year-old girls around the city. That's my cardio!

I mix up my workouts to make sure I get cardio, toning, and strengthening covered.

People tend to lean on cardio machine handles, and their posture begins to suffer.

We do cardio, core strength, lifting - and we train in the mornings, which I hate.

I love to do cardio. I like to run and sweat a lot, and I think that's quite helpful.

A regular workout for me is 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by lifting weights.

My fitness regimen primarily consists of power yoga, cardio and light weight training.

I expend a lot of energy in my 50-60 minutes of cardio and strength training every day.

When I'm on the road, I'll break my exercise into a cardio session and a weights session.

'Ghazi' has underwater stunts and was physically taxing. That added to my cardio routine.

I won't tow the party line of doing 'girlie' yoga and cardio for physical transformations.

Even if I have only 15 minutes, I knock out some toning moves or get in a burst of cardio.

I do an hour of cardio every day without fail, and I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Three mornings a week, I exercise before eating - it's called 'fasted cardio' - to burn fat.

I have to wear two sports bras when I do my cardio. It takes a lot to hold these puppies up!

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