I got the stamina. I can close.

I have stamina, and I have energy.

You can ask my wife about my stamina.

You lose the speed before the stamina.

I have good stamina and good endurance.

I work a lot of conditioning and stamina.

Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.

Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.

I take Energol to improve my wind and stamina.

I don't believe that Hillary Clinton has the stamina.

Thinking, writing are ultimately questions of stamina.

The key to doing 8 shows a week is endurance, stamina.

I have a lot of stamina and I have a lot of resilience.

I don’t have stamina in exercise...but I have it in life.

I need to build my stamina, so I go to the gym regularly.

I don't have stamina in exercise... but I have it in life.

Peter Jackson's instincts are extraordinary, as is his stamina.

Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station.

I sort of fall apart in terms of stamina after about 25 minutes!

You know, I can't imagine 9 to 5 writing. That takes some stamina.

I like a match that shows strength, stamina, scientific technique.

I was into sports and dancing. I ran track. I have a lot of stamina.

In writing, as in medicine, there are no short cuts. You need stamina.

Stamina is the force that drives the drumming; it's not really a sprint.

I think I got stamina from my dad, although he didn't have a lot of drive.

My grandpa showed me how to build stamina onset behind the scenes on 'Twixt.'

You go to the gym to make sure you have the stamina to breathe in the corsets.

I've got lots of stamina; don't worry about that. I cycle every day - it's OK.

I don't think I have the stamina anymore and I certainly don't have the health.

I have incredible stamina- the what-do-I-got-that-they-ain't-got kind of stamina.

Commercialism isn't challenging creatively; it's only challenging in a stamina way.

Building businesses takes tremendous stamina, and success isn't achieved without it.

No doubt about it, in order to win the WSOP Main Event, plenty of stamina is required.

One should work out for a fit body, energy and stamina, too and not just to lose weight.

We need a president with tremendous intelligence, smarts, cunning, strength and stamina.

I like to have the stamina to work 16 hours a day. I may eat a lot, but I am very healthy.

If you want to survive the zombie apocalypse, you need to focus on increasing your stamina.

Snooker isn't a sport where you can put on bulk muscle. It's about the cueing and the stamina.

It doesn't take courage to kill someone,' Klaus said. 'It takes a severe lack of moral stamina.

When doing your aerobic exercise, go at a comfortable pace until you've developed more stamina.

Only a person who is congenially self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays

Movie-making is an extreme sport on many levels. It requires stamina such as I had never imagined.

I've got a lot of stamina and I enjoy people, so having lots of people around doesn't freak me out.

In Canada, I climbed some mountains with the Alpine Club of Canada, which taught me a lot about stamina.

To make personal movies that you are the author of, is quite a difficult thing. It takes a lot of stamina.

We must have government that builds stamina into communities and men. That makes men instead of mendicants.

August in sub-Saharan Los Angeles is one of the great and awful tests of one's endurance, sanity and stamina.

We survive until, by sheer stamina, we escape into the dim innocence of our own adulthood and its forgetfulness.

You have to keep fit being a singer - that's part of the job. You can't do it unless you have incredible stamina.

If people had told me that I would have the stamina to conduct 'Ring Cycles,' I would have been amazed. I still am.

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