In fact, because people are religious, they think they can do bad things.

Thanks [Donald] Trump for exposing evangelicals as 'shameless hypocrites'.

Nobody sees people as people. It's all how they relate to my little group.

As you go down the path of life, ask whats true. Not who else believes it.

I think what's dangerous is the idea that someone can wash away your sins.

Jim Bakker spells his name with two k's because three would be too obvious.

Obama is not a secret Kenyon, or a secret Muslim, he's a secret Republican.

I just don't think a lot of Republicans like it when single women have sex.

The country can't get well if the people are sick. And the people are sick.

Life is not like a box of chocolates unless there's a few turds in the box.

Community is gathering around a fire and listening to someone tell a story.

BP today finally managed to almost completely stop the flow of information.

When opportunity knocks all some people can do is complain about the noise.

The other guys are selling certainty. Not me. I'm on the corner with doubt.

Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about.

I think the news people no longer have any idea of what covering the news is.

I think Mitt Romney is a symptom. I think the problem is the Republican Party.

The only silver lining I can find is that British accents aren't sexy anymore.

I am so tired of rearranging my life around what the stupidest people might do.

Let's face it; God has a big ego problem. Why do we always have to worship him?

Between Ron Paul and Rick Perry, I think the lesson is don't get sick in Texas.

My father said, Bring along your best girl. This is something you say to a pimp!

I think capital punishment works great. Every killer you kill never kills again.

Again, (America is) a stupid country with stupid people who don't pay attention.

There are people who think everything is a conspiracy and I think they're crazy.

I love Jesus. I just don't like the Christians who don't believe in what he says.

This party is just full of children, and someone needs to leave them in a hot car.

Because of the Republicans, I'm not ashamed of being an American. I'm embarrassed!

Anyone who is elected mayor of a place called "Sin City" is allowed to be a drunk.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.

If a President must constantly remind the people that we're at war, then we're not.

Conservatives claim [Hillary] Clinton campaign involved in satanic 'spirit cooking'.

If you have a gun, you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone.

It's very hard not to be condescending when you're explaining something to an idiot.

To paraphrase the great Will Rogers, El Rusho never met a pharmacist he did not like.

The whole dating ritual was different when I was a kid. Girls got pinned, not nailed.

If you want to get rich with a tax free enterprise that sells nothing, start a church.

A lot of people say they are dyslexic; some have to realize that they are just stupid.

I have always defined political correctness as an elevation of sensitivity over truth.

Faith means the purposeful suspension of critical thinking. It’s nothing to be admired.

I believe in God, I just give him more credit than being a single parent and an author.

You would think there is a higher bar than having a Facebook page to run for president.

Every time somebody says 'Islamophobia' it gives the people who are intimidating cover.

You want to spend your millions on a worthless cause? Try donating it to the Democrats.

The Republicans proved they are not the party of 'no.' They're the party of 'f**k, no!'

I have a problem with people who take the Constitution loosely and the Bible literally.

More astronauts have been to the moon than farmers who paid the inheritance tax in 2013.

Life is about making tough choices. Sometimes you have to go where your career is going.

I'm just honest. They [asians] don't want to see black people generally in their movies.

In ancient times they sacrificed the virgins. Men were not about to sacrifice the sluts!

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